Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson
People were not hung from trees and burned alive at the same time while singing, "Glory Glory Hallelujah".
Bro, the south has a TERRIBLE HISTORY and many attrocities were carried out by people waving the stars and bars with pride.
I can't help but associate the confederate rag with the Jim Crow south, racial hatred and lynchings.
When I see that thing, that's what I see and think of.
It's a symbol of hate.
Again, you've been lied to as to the racial history of the North. There were many atrocities committed by Union soldiers against the slaves. The GOP was not so much the "anti-slavery party" as much as it was the "anti-slave/negro party". True abolitionists were a small minority. True egalitarians were an even smaller minority.
I do not say these things against you personally or any way in anger. I really don't blame you because we all believed at one time the "history" that was dished out to us by the establishment. Nor do I deny the south's racial history (though only one side is usually told). But when one takes the time to study and research for themselves, different conclusions are drawn.
BTW, I am not a fanatic of the Confederacy. The CSA was an incidental anomaly. It was merely the hub that 13 sovereign States revolved around, just like the old Union is the hub 50 States revolve around. The CSA and South did not invent the concept of State sovereignty or secession. Those concepts were embraced radically by the northern States well into the 1850's.