Originally Posted by Esaias
I think I failed to make my point clear. A lot of people seem to think worship "in spirit" ie pentecostal worship is defined as exuberant, lively worship. But that's how they worshipped in the OT, therefore there is nothing supernatural about lively, exuberant worship. We need that, but we need more. We need REAL Pentecostal worship, which involves the manifestation of the Spirit.
I am using "worship" in it's generally understood sense as "what we do corporately when we come together".
I agree. We have placed too much emphasis on the "emotional", but have not been as diligent to be fruit inspectors. When the "emotional" experience does not produce fruit of the spirit in our lives, we must examine whether that emotional experience was truly from the Lord. I have seen far too much credit given to the Lord for an emotional experience that failed to produce lasting fruit of the spirit in people's lives. For example - seeing people shout all over the church building, but then after the service right back to their ungodly ways and attitudes.
If your emotional experience has not produced genuine fruit of the spirit, then you must examine and see what went wrong.
This is the problem with much of the worship in churches today - it is entertainment, plain and simple, with a few tools and cues thrown in to provide an emotional experience or "high". This does not make it true genuine worship.
I have found the closest thing to genuine worship in my life that produces miraculous outcomes, is when I have been alone in my prayer closet with the Lord, and my worship unto Him there changes me deeply within, and it is that kind of experience that manifests itself in me as a change, from the inside out.