Hey, thanks for asking this question, I've always wondered this too. I know I live here, but IRL, I know zero people of the apostolic persuasion, the church that I attended in GA was a little home missions church several towns over that pretty much disappeared, so I was never really in the know about anything going on UPC-wise in GA.
I've been talking about visiting an apostolic church. (ILG & I chronicle our church forays here:
http://www.apostolicfriendsforum.com...ad.php?t=46050 ). I think to me, it would be proof positive that I have fully recovered, forgiven, healed, moved on, etc., from my past experiences. To see if I can really see it through unfiltered eyes (neither the love/obsession of the beginning, or the angry pain and darkness of the end).
The first two are too far for mere curiosity sake, but the Snellville one is doable. Though my husband will probably freak at the idea, and there is no way he'd let me bring Avery, though she would LOVE the music, she would soooo Shockamoo!
Anymore info Bro. Epley?