Originally Posted by AR Pastor
Why would oneness folks care what the AOG is doing. They are preaching false doctrine and are a false church so why would we care what they do?
Speaking of which, maybe you could lend a hand to your brothers (er, are they your brothers?

) and help them out with a little doctrine problem they're having. No, not the BIG doctrine problem -- how many Gods there are -- no, this is pretty simple, in comparison. It's healing.
It's one of the AG's 16 Fundamental Truths, and it's even one of their 4 "Cardinal Doctrines", which they say are "essential to the church's core mission of reaching the world for Christ". And yet they have this nagging problem with this "essential" "truth". Here is Fundamental Truth #12. Divine Healing:
It's part of the gospel. Provided for in the atonement. It is the
privilege of
all believers.
Isn't that nice? Here's the problem: not all believers are healed. They know it. They say it, in a position paper. They say they
don't know why!
Think I'm kidding? See for yourself:
But it gets worse. Having called it an "essential" doctrine, and having said that healing is "provided for in the atonement", here's the big question: If one of the provisions of the atonement doesn't always happen (healing), how can you know if the other provision, namely salvation, always happens? How can anyone know if their sins are really "atoned for"?
So. Can you help them out? Certainly, you APs don't have this problem.