Originally Posted by Originalist
He was not endorsing a secular welfare state as espoused by statist leftists such as yourself.
I never said I endorse a welfare state. I'm for helping those who need help while they are trying to better themselves. Most of the people I know on welfare actually work. Obviously they don't make enough to make ends meet. Also why doesn't the church help the poor like they were commanded? I think its a black eye on Christendom when your tithes and offerings go to support a preacher so he doesn't have to work. If a man doesn't work he doesn't eat. Unless of course you are a pastor. My grandpa owned a business, was a father of six, and a pastor.
With regards to the bloated fed govt I agree. I hate how the fed forces things on states with no regard for states rights. Unfortunately that precedent was set with the civil war and the owning of slaves. While I think slavery is wrong, states rights isn't. During the whole health care debate a lot of people were being labeled cessationists as a way to smear them because people mistakenly think racsim when you bring up states rights and cessation because slavery was at the heart of that.
With regards to Obama we are a lot better off now than when he took over. Could he do better? Sure. But to say he doesn't care is out of touch.