Originally Posted by chaotic_resolve
Great news! You're right, it's easy to get people to come to church . . . the real work, though, is in making disciples of them. Giving them Bible Studies, praying with them, laboring with them.
Amen we have to retain them! This is where we tend to have complications, most people get stuck on being worried about how to care for them before we go get them...there is a order in reaching souls, we must GO get them, then TEACH them and then Send them to TEACH others.
If we dont go get them we have no one to teach.
Some people feel the scripture that says some plant some water means that some of us are only supposed to teach the new ones and some are only supposed to go get new ones. That is not the truth, we are all to go get them and teach them. Yes you may water one but you may plant another, but we are to do both.