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Old 11-20-2013, 12:59 AM
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Re: Urgent! Prayer for Bro James Anderson

From Bro Anderson's wife

: Sorry for the late update. I have been busy today. Doctor said based on his culture sample from yesterday's lung fluid he has pneumonia. They had already started him on antibiotics yesterday because they suspected as much. I know God has got this though because we covered him in prayer today as we all specifically prayed about it. There is a superficial blood clot in his arm. Doctor says it should dissolve and there is no threat of it moving. Now for the good news! James' left chest tube was removed today. That makes him chest tube free!! One more victory for the books. Please continue to pray healing for his lungs and strength to be able to get off the vent. Thank you for your prayers today!
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Old 12-02-2013, 10:48 AM
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Re: Urgent! Prayer for Bro James Anderson

Lisa Anderson Praying For James

UPDATE: I have to admit that today was a hard day. Tears were shed more than once as I felt torn in a hundred different directions. I was overwhelmed thinking about the great task before us and began to question "How am I going to do this?" It was then that God spoke softly to my heart "You're not going to, I am." I don't know how this is all going to end but I will continue to trust in God. After all, who else can I turn to? There is none other that can speak peace to the raging sea.

On a lighter note, James continues to progress a little more each day. He took a couple of steps today while being assisted on the walker. He also sat up in a regular chair instead of having to be strapped in a neuro chair. His appetite for food also increased today. He still has the feeding tube in but they are trying to get him to eat some puréed food orally as well.

The boys got to see James yesterday and today. It went really well and as you can see from the picture I think it did both James and the boys some good. This picture was the highlight of my day!

Praise Jesus for what He can do!

The Lord bless Brother James Anderson and his family in Jesus name.

Keep praying for them!
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
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Old 12-04-2013, 12:17 PM
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Evang.Benincasa Evang.Benincasa is offline
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Re: Urgent! Prayer for Bro James Anderson

Lisa Anderson

WE NEED YOUR HELP!! Even though James has made dramatic improvements since being at ETMC Tyler he is still unable to sit up in bed, walk, talk above a whisper, go to the restroom by himself or even remember where he is and why he is here most of the time. It takes two people to get him out of bed and transfer him to a chair, he is unable to eat anything that is not purée' or thickened and his left side is still much weaker than the right. The hospital here is wanting to send him home because James does not have insurance. No one here has made any attempt to give us rehab options. They said the reason for this was that rehab is very expensive and without insurance there is nothing they can do.

There is no way that I can take care of him by myself in our home. It would be unsafe to do so. Our house is not handicap equipped and I alone cannot safely transport him from the car to the bed or to a wheelchair for that matter.

Some have mistakenly assumed that because the accident was not his fault that all medicals bills and rehab will be paid for by the guilty party. Insurance companies will only pay up to the liability limitations on the policy. His bills are over half a million thus far and that does not include any rehab. Policy limitations for the other party are below $100,000 so that is just a drop in the bucket. That leaves us with a huge bill and we have to finance his rehab ourselves on one income now because he is obviously not able to work.

We need to get James the rehabilitation services he deserves. He needs rehab not only for bodily injuries but for traumatic brain injuries as well. I am not one to ask for help but I am desperate. Please, if you know of a way he can get rehab or have any connections that might be willing to help we would greatly appreciate it! If you are able, monetary gifts would also be appreciated. If everyone on this site gave $10 that would be over $8,000 for James' rehab.

Please share this post! The more attention given to this situation the better the possibility that we can find a good solution for James to get the help he needs to return back to a normal functioning individual, daddy and husband. THANK YOU!!

If you wish to contribute to James' medical fund you can do so several ways.

1. Donate by going to: http://www.gofundme.com/5aqxcg

2. Send a PayPal payment to dyloshdesign@gmail.com

3. Mail donation to:
James Anderson
PO Box 1142
Mt. Vernon, TX 75457
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
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