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Old 09-17-2013, 05:44 PM
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Re: I visited another church this past weekend

Originally Posted by Esaias View Post
Yes, well, is chivalry dead?
Unless she wants to admit she really screwed up her first post, we did not misunderstand what she posted
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Old 09-17-2013, 05:49 PM
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Re: I visited another church this past weekend

Originally Posted by Praxeas View Post
Unless she wants to admit she really screwed up her first post, we did not misunderstand what she posted
Perhaps *I* misunderstand her. I took her to be saying that the RCC corrupted christianity in many ways, that that same corruption is afflicting the apostolic church (and 'churches' in general) today, and that we are expected by God to 'come out' from such corruption. Further, (and this I thought was her main point) she is in a dilemma of deciding whether to a) attend a church she believes may have corruption but it may possibly provide a benefit to her family members she cannot provide them otherwise, or b) take a stand for doctrinal purity and possibly cause her family members to maybe stumble.

The 'buildings' issue was - in my understanding - a minor, side issue.

And furthermore, I think we ought not to continue hijacking this thread lol.
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Old 09-17-2013, 06:02 PM
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Re: I visited another church this past weekend

Originally Posted by endtimer View Post
No where in my comments were suggestions that he should not attend. I got a feeling he can figure out what he wants to do with out me suggesting he go or not. I am simply agreeing with him that it is a bit strange to have zero locals going to a church that has been in the area 4 years. I further elaborate on my caution with questions worthy to be addressed. I see you raise a few questions yourself... your questions do not disqualify mine.
My comments were not to disqualify yours, just to point out there could be a good reason why only a few are there. Remember I ALSO said maybe they have no zeal or vision. Just trying to help
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Old 09-17-2013, 06:15 PM
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Originally Posted by endtimer View Post

Please elaborate on this. Very curious as to how this could work out.
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Old 09-17-2013, 06:25 PM
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Re: I visited another church this past weekend

Originally Posted by Esaias View Post
Perhaps *I* misunderstand her. I took her to be saying that the RCC corrupted christianity in many ways, that that same corruption is afflicting the apostolic church (and 'churches' in general) today, and that we are expected by God to 'come out' from such corruption. Further, (and this I thought was her main point) she is in a dilemma of deciding whether to a) attend a church she believes may have corruption but it may possibly provide a benefit to her family members she cannot provide them otherwise, or b) take a stand for doctrinal purity and possibly cause her family members to maybe stumble.

The 'buildings' issue was - in my understanding - a minor, side issue.

And furthermore, I think we ought not to continue hijacking this thread lol.
She said the church is pagan. As part of a list of Pagan things incorporated into the church by the RCC was the use of buildings. She very clearly used the word PAGAN and a bible reference to Babylon and then said but she was not calling those things a sin, then later admitted they were. I quoted her

In fact she tried to support her "It's all Pagan" assertion by quoting various websites where she apparently did not realize it ALSO included the virgin birth and the Son dying.

Back to the topic
Let it be understood that Apostolic Friends Forum is an Apostolic Forum.
Apostolic is defined on AFF as:

  1. There is One God. This one God reveals Himself distinctly as Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
  2. The Son is God himself in a human form or "God manifested in the flesh" (1Tim 3:16)
  3. Every sinner must repent of their sins.
  4. That Jesus name baptism is the only biblical mode of water baptism.
  5. That the Holy Ghost is for today and is received by faith with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues.
  6. The saint will go on to strive to live a holy life, pleasing to God.
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Old 09-18-2013, 07:02 AM
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Re: I visited another church this past weekend

Originally Posted by Esaias View Post
He stated he already knew and had influence with people in that community (or did I misunderstand??) He is what may be called a 'person of influence', or a man who is 'heard in the gates'.

God may be moving him into a position where his presence and ministry in that local assembly may lead many others to Christ.
Ok, I understand where your coming from. You are talking influence not Messianic here. Man, I've heard some crazy theories for revival.
Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote. - Benjamin Franklin
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Old 09-18-2013, 07:32 AM
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Re: I visited another church this past weekend

When I think about your idea of leaving your church to join another one, these are the things that come to mind.

1) You don't really know if your current Pastor was really aiming at you, neither do you know his intents because you refuse to speak with him about a hurt that may be real or might be imaginary. Why do you refuse to become transparent with him over your hurts?

2) Your potential "new" Pastor's view on tithing is still different from yours and fairly similar to your current Pastor's view. So joining this church for that reasoning is not sensible.

3) With all that is going on, I want to urge you to "be still and see the salvation of the Lord". You're discouraged right now, I get it. But you are discouraged over situations and issues that are not anyone else's doing. Unless there are other things going that I have either simply missed or you haven't posted about, I don't see a strong reason for you to move in the direction you are moving. I don't know you well, but do you have a struggle with pride? Brother, it may not be pride, only you and the Lord know the whole story. I am urging you to wait before making any more decisions.

4) Ackee fruit is grown in a handful of islands but Jamaica is the only one to deem it edible. Not only edible, but their national fruit. When this bright red fruit is ripe, it splits open to reveal three large black seeds. However, the ackee is poisonous if eaten before ripe. When ripe and dried, the seeds, fruit bark, and leaves are used medicinally. Joining a small work can be a great opportunity for a Christian who has great zeal for the Lord and His House, but what have you done to verify that it is indeed His Time for you to do this?

5) You remember Moses? God called him and when Moses tried to do what he thought was right, he ended up killing someone, making himself a target, and he was forced to dwell in the dessert for 40 years. He learned a lot in the dessert and ultimately, this could have been God's Will all along. Yet the Old Testament is there for us to learn from and one thing I've learned from Moses' story and from living is that it is often best to wait on God.

6) You are troubled, maybe even shaken right now, but I think you also have a family to think about in all of this-- making it more imperative for you to wait and be led by God right now in this storm. If there were people watching your steps, what would they be learning from you? What would they be seeing from you?

Brother, wait.
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Old 09-18-2013, 07:38 AM
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Re: I visited another church this past weekend

Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson View Post
When I think about your idea of leaving your church to join another one, these are the things that come to mind.

1) You don't really know if your current Pastor was really aiming at you, neither do you know his intents because you refuse to speak with him about a hurt that may be real or might be imaginary. Why do you refuse to become transparent with him over your hurts?

2) Your potential "new" Pastor's view on tithing is still different from yours and fairly similar to your current Pastor's view. So joining this church for that reasoning is not sensible.

3) With all that is going on, I want to urge you to "be still and see the salvation of the Lord". You're discouraged right now, I get it. But you are discouraged over situations and issues that are not anyone else's doing. Unless there are other things going that I have either simply missed or you haven't posted about, I don't see a strong reason for you to move in the direction you are moving. I don't know you well, but do you have a struggle with pride? Brother, it may not be pride, only you and the Lord know the whole story. I am urging you to wait before making any more decisions.

4) Ackee fruit is grown in a handful of islands but Jamaica is the only one to deem it edible. Not only edible, but their national fruit. When this bright red fruit is ripe, it splits open to reveal three large black seeds. However, the ackee is poisonous if eaten before ripe. When ripe and dried, the seeds, fruit bark, and leaves are used medicinally. Joining a small work can be a great opportunity for a Christian who has great zeal for the Lord and His House, but what have you done to verify that it is indeed His Time for you to do this?

5) You remember Moses? God called him and when Moses tried to do what he thought was right, he ended up killing someone, making himself a target, and he was forced to dwell in the dessert for 40 years. He learned a lot in the dessert and ultimately, this could have been God's Will all along. Yet the Old Testament is there for us to learn from and one thing I've learned from Moses' story and from living is that it is often best to wait on God.

6) You are troubled, maybe even shaken right now, but I think you also have a family to think about in all of this-- making it more imperative for you to wait and be led by God right now in this storm. If there were people watching your steps, what would they be learning from you? What would they be seeing from you?

Brother, wait.
Please know I appreciate the deep thought that went into this post. Nothing will be done in haste.
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Old 09-18-2013, 07:46 AM
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Re: I visited another church this past weekend

Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple View Post
My comments were not to disqualify yours, just to point out there could be a good reason why only a few are there. Remember I ALSO said maybe they have no zeal or vision. Just trying to help
I gotcha.
Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote. - Benjamin Franklin
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Old 09-18-2013, 07:54 AM
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Re: I visited another church this past weekend

Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson View Post
When I think about your idea of leaving your church to join another one, these are the things that come to mind.

1) You don't really know if your current Pastor was really aiming at you, neither do you know his intents because you refuse to speak with him about a hurt that may be real or might be imaginary. Why do you refuse to become transparent with him over your hurts?

2) Your potential "new" Pastor's view on tithing is still different from yours and fairly similar to your current Pastor's view. So joining this church for that reasoning is not sensible.

3) With all that is going on, I want to urge you to "be still and see the salvation of the Lord". You're discouraged right now, I get it. But you are discouraged over situations and issues that are not anyone else's doing. Unless there are other things going that I have either simply missed or you haven't posted about, I don't see a strong reason for you to move in the direction you are moving. I don't know you well, but do you have a struggle with pride? Brother, it may not be pride, only you and the Lord know the whole story. I am urging you to wait before making any more decisions.

4) Ackee fruit is grown in a handful of islands but Jamaica is the only one to deem it edible. Not only edible, but their national fruit. When this bright red fruit is ripe, it splits open to reveal three large black seeds. However, the ackee is poisonous if eaten before ripe. When ripe and dried, the seeds, fruit bark, and leaves are used medicinally. Joining a small work can be a great opportunity for a Christian who has great zeal for the Lord and His House, but what have you done to verify that it is indeed His Time for you to do this?

5) You remember Moses? God called him and when Moses tried to do what he thought was right, he ended up killing someone, making himself a target, and he was forced to dwell in the dessert for 40 years. He learned a lot in the dessert and ultimately, this could have been God's Will all along. Yet the Old Testament is there for us to learn from and one thing I've learned from Moses' story and from living is that it is often best to wait on God.

6) You are troubled, maybe even shaken right now, but I think you also have a family to think about in all of this-- making it more imperative for you to wait and be led by God right now in this storm. If there were people watching your steps, what would they be learning from you? What would they be seeing from you?

Brother, wait.
Wise words Jermyn. I know from my own experience, its likely if you weren't happy with the pastors leadership, you wont be happy with the leadership of one his followers.
Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote. - Benjamin Franklin
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