Originally Posted by SoCaliUPC
I will just state that this forum was started under the notion that there would be no bashing of preachers or individuals.
Now, before I move on...I will state that I do not approve of LW lifestyle or decisions that he made years ago.
Saying that, NLYP posted something that I long have been wanting to say but have thus far remained silent on. That is if there is going to be a statement of no bashing of preachers and individuals it needs to be enforced across the board. There have been attacks on LW and BH in just the last couple of days. In the case of BH, it is one thing to attack his doctrine and that issue...and another thing to attack him personally. Do I endorse BH? No. Do I agree with his doctrine? No.
There was a complaint about bashing preachers and individuals over at the other forum. It was stated several times in the beginning that this would not happen here. Is it?
Thanks for answering, Bro
I have not been here for much due to sickness, but my understanding is that we are doing our best to stop ANY Preacher Bashing.
Now you and I both know that we are not going to bust folks over the head for joking around. But we just do not want this to become a place where the ministry is disrespected and put down. I am sure we both also understand that ones mans bashing is another mans truth, so every issue we are trying to deal with individually.
And understand, we are still new here and are trying to find the proper place to set boundaries, and still allow for expression. That is a tricky thing to do.