Originally Posted by AreYouReady?
Thanks. I heard a story about some 'prophetic' vision George Washington supposedly had about another civil war.
I don't know if he actually had that vision...but things are looking bad.
I have the book on his vision. It is more of a battle against foreign invasion. Many people feel it is not a genuine work from Washington.I find it interesting reading.
There was a movie years ago called "Amerika". It started with the premise America had gotten so bad the Russians under the authority of the UN had come to this nation to teach us to be a peaceful people.
I could almost see it this way:
The "Patriots" begin a civil war because of the growing abuse against the Constitution. In time the administration calls in UN forces to help quell the fighting. They are here. Russians and Chinese ruling over us. Gods answer to Americas sins.
Before we ever knew each other my wife and I both had visions of Chinese troops being in America.