Originally Posted by Praxeas
No. a Briefcase Nuke would not produce an EMP. It would just kill lots of people in a small area.
Yes, a briefcase sized device is quite capable of wrecking havoc. I misspoke about the "Briefcase Nuke", I was mashing up the technologies. The link at the bottom of this reply takes you to a defense article that describes various sized devices - one of which is a briefcase sized TED - transient EMP device.
Originally Posted by RandyWayne
EMP's, even from a large nuclear explosion, would not fry small hand held electronics that did not happen to be plugged into an outlet at the time. It requires a fairly large surface area of wires to absorb the necessary energy to cook the small components in a smart phone, tablet, or laptop. If the EMP energy WAS strong enough to fry everything then it is most likely that the bomb itself was close enough for the explosion itself to do all the damage required.
Devices don't have to be plugged in to an outlet to be effected by EMPs, especially microwave based EMPs. An EMP targets the semiconductor components which is the base technology for zillions of electronic devices.
Originally Posted by OnTheFritz
Not a reputable news outlet anywhere in sight covering it.
Here's a very reputable source, and it describes a new type of terrorist activity concerning this very subject:
Defense Media - Improvised EMP Devices