Originally Posted by RandyWayne
I won't even let a MAN pastor over me like so many have in the past. In fact in some ways if a pastor is going to be a tyrant I would rather it be a lady, then I can just complement her for "being pretty today!" and get her off my back.
So true RW! The only "man" biblically over me is my husband, and any other ministry biblically should come through him first, not circumvent my husband and come to me.
That is another biblical concept completely lost in the OP churches that I was a part of anyway. They would counsel women without their husbands present, and tell them to line up to the preacher, no matter what their husbands thought.
My mother is still in that position today, and is as miserable as she can possibly be. My dad left to attend another pentecostal church in town, but the pastor of the church she attends has scared her so bad, she won't go to church with my dad to a "lesser" church... when that "lesser" church believes the very same doctrine - oneness, holiness living,
Acts 2 salvation and so on... but because the pastor has scared my mother so bad, she won't leave him because she believes she will be saved under the pastor's leadership rather than her husband's. This is the mentality that saddens me, and that is so wrong.
So thankful that I know that it is my husband I answer to first, before any other man... and I need not come under any other leadership except through my husband... and that is Bible.
1 Cor. 11:3 "The head of every man is Christ: and the head of the woman is the man, and the head of Christ is God."