Re: Romney Getting Desperate
The truth is, the economy is not as bad as it could be. We have seen steady improvement over the course of many, many months.
The truth is the Obama Administration has accomplished a lot of good over the last three plus years-- despite having a House of Representatives bent on obstructionism.
The truth is most Conservatives insist on refusing to acknowledge the good this President has accomplished, except Governor Christie who I really wish had decided to run for President.
The truth is this recession is not the same as what Reagan inherited. This recession is worst and by every report I've read, this recession was only rivaled by the Great Depression.
The truth is Romney has been desperate for a while-- with the economy being "so bad", you would think that the race wouldn't be close at all. Still, even the polls that have Romney winning don't predict a landslide by any stretch of the imagination.
"The choices we make reveal the true nature of our character."
Last edited by Jermyn Davidson; 11-01-2012 at 10:45 AM.