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Old 05-24-2007, 07:30 PM
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I don't have a problem with someone believing this way if that's their choice. I do have a problem tho with ministers who preach it to their congregations and tell them that if they see a doctor for something, it is sin.

I had a good friend who left our local UPC church and traveled 3 times a week to a church in Indiana because when she visited that church the first time, they convinced her that they were more spiritual than us because of that belief. She wanted to be as spiritual as a person could possibly be. So she decided that since they were better Christians than us (they told her that), then to be a better Christian she would need to be one of them.

One day she found a small spot on her arm. It itched and bothered her, so she scratched it until it came off and bled. And then things grew worse and worse. Before long she started to feel physically ill. She held out as long as she could and finally gave in and went to the doctor. He told her that the thing she had picked off of her arm was cancer. And that now the cancer had spread thru her like wildfire. And that if she had come to him right away, her life could have been spared. But now it was too late. She died about 2 weeks later.

My problem with this whole thing is the pastor who preached something that wasn't Gospel - and it ended up costing her her life.
Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of a battle ! ! ! !
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Old 05-24-2007, 07:32 PM
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Faith cannot be legislated - it can however be lived.
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Old 05-24-2007, 07:54 PM
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I remember reading in a book that Hypocrites's mother was a Jew.So technically speaking that makes him a Jew though he was not on his
fathers side.God gave knowledge to him for healing.Modern medicine today
as we know it was not what was practised before he came on the scene
Before that witchcraft was practiced and mysticism.What he began was not as modern as we have it but really a blessing to mankind and only the knowledge that could have come from God.I think of the woman who had
the issue of blood.God did not rebuke her for going to the doctor.He just had the answer they did not.He is God.
In studying famous people one of the couples that I have come to respect the most for their dedication is the Curies.The invented the xray and suffered alot during the time they began to discover the isotopes and work with radon.
It was a poisonous substance.We have all benefited from their dedication.
To think that all medical knowledge is witchcraft is very narrow minded.
I disagree with the way society though is wanting to treat everyone with chemicals.Alot of these things have more side effects than the good they
do.It seems like the Doctors of today do less real medical treatment and more prescribing than anything.The amount of Seroquel and Paxil and Vistaril that is distributed is mind boggling.Sadly society is a feel good society and the first little stress they feel they reach for a pill instead of prayer.God is good.
I have actually read books by charismatic authors that feel that medical
personnel need a certain spirit cast out of them.Its wierd.God called me to be a nurse.We provide comfort to those in need and pain.We provide assistance.
We do treatments.We are the ones who do not mind bringing you some tylenol or pain meds when you have just had your appendix or gall bladder removed.We don't mind washing and dressing your wounds.Some of us
stay up all night just incase you buzz.Sadly people think we get paid too much.Sorry but lately few tell us thank you.People have become so demanding and places want to make the most off us when they bill insurances and medicaid so they give us almost to many people to handle but its a call
of God to be a nurse.God called me to this.No one in their right mind would answer in the flesh.Its hard physical unapprieciated labour but one day
all the fevered brows of those I witnessed to and prayed will be rewarded
by Jesus.
My greatgrandpa was a doctor.His wife was a nurse and worked in his clinic side by side.Most of my mothers cousins are physicians trained by him.I have two sisters.One is a nurse and owns a medical supply business and the other
a Med Tech.Its in our hearts to help others.My brother died at an early age but I felt he would have been a physician.He was class Valdicatorian and awarded a scholarship for physics but decided to go into the Navy as an officers candidate.He died at twenty five so I will never know but he sure had
the mentality.
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Old 05-24-2007, 08:23 PM
TalkLady TalkLady is offline
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I am acquainted with these teachings and for many years I would not go to a doctor. Even today, I feel a little guilty when I do go or when I take any meds. I try to completely avoid medications, but sometimes I do take them. I must to be able to keep working. I don't condemn adults who chose to avoid the use of physicians or medications for themselves ....However, when it gets to parents making that choice for children, I do have a some problem with that! Oh, the stories I could tell (but won't.)
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Old 05-24-2007, 08:32 PM
Rico Rico is offline
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I know of at least 4 people that have died from not going to see a doctor, two of which just needed simple antibiotics to fight off infection.
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Old 05-24-2007, 08:35 PM
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Originally Posted by Rico View Post
I know of at least 4 people that have died from not going to see a doctor, two of which just needed simple antibiotics to fight off infection.
That is sad.In olden days before antibiotics folks used to take sulfur tablets.
Nowadays its known as Bactrim DS and costs alot more than sulfur tabs and
are md prescribed only.There are things that you can do to boost your immunity.God gave us sense as well as healing.Plant life contains a wealth of
healing properties.Alot of things are chemically produced but herbal components are usually the basis or extracts.It amazing what building up your immunity can do for you.
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Old 05-24-2007, 08:36 PM
berkeley berkeley is offline
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Originally Posted by Trouvere View Post
That is sad.In olden days before antibiotics folks used to take sulfur tablets.
Nowadays its known as Bactrim DS and costs alot more than sulfur tabs and
are md prescribed only.There are things that you can do to boost your immunity.God gave us sense as well as healing.Plant life contains a wealth of
healing properties.Alot of things are chemically produced but herbal components are usually the basis or extracts.It amazing what building up your immunity can do for you.
I had an earache that started in late 2001. It did not end until 2005.
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Old 05-24-2007, 08:41 PM
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Originally Posted by Berkeley View Post
I had an earache that started in late 2001. It did not end until 2005.
What did you do about it?
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Old 05-24-2007, 08:43 PM
AGAPE AGAPE is offline
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I go to the doc...
There was a man that pastored a church in my state (they had the Jubilee for those of ya'll who know). He was very much against going to the doctor.....Ladies lost their babies b/c of his teaching....then HE got sick and off to the doctor he ran....The church split.....still a bad bad bad deal
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Old 05-24-2007, 08:44 PM
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Originally Posted by Trouvere View Post
What did you do about it?
removed the ear ring????
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