Originally Posted by Cindy
DM I will tell you I was just a child when Kennedy was killed. But, I do know the sentiment that was going around back then. Kennedy was hated by some of those in his own party. But, he was a dangerous man to the good old boy thing in the South. And Johnson was a rogue Democrat. IMO
Kennedy was going to save the blacks, in some people's minds. Including a lot of black people. They had his picture up right beside Jesus in their house. And it's the same with Obama, he's going to save the blacks. Let's face it, some black people voted for him because he's half black. The irony is, he's just another white man, with black skin.
Love ya Big Sis-- and you know it!
Still, I must respond.
Let's face it.
If you are tlaking about black people voting for Obama because he's black, most, if not all of them, would have voted for the Democrat regardless.
President Obama is just another man, with black skin.