Originally Posted by Pastor Poster
Anybody have any fundraising ideas for our building fund? And don't say peanut brittle! LOL WE need to raise $30,000.00 by June 1st of next year We already have our property paid for.
I don't mean for this to sound arrogant or condescending but what about sacrificial giving? You have a whole year to raise this money. I don't know the size of your congregation but what if they do a faith promise type of thing - not for missions this time - but for your building fund? It would work out to about $2500 a month that you need to take in.
Does your district help out at all in situations like this?
We've been in the most dire straits in times past and always managed to raise most of what we needed from church people.
If your property is paid for what are you raising money for? Perhaps you can inspire others to believe in what you're doing where they'll help you out. Make the need known and perhaps there are those you'd least expect who will be inspired to write out cheques.