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Old 01-18-2012, 09:53 PM
bbyrd009 bbyrd009 is offline

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Re: The Beast in Revelation 13 & 17

Originally Posted by Austin View Post
One thing for certain in end time prophecy is this. The devil will turn on Jerusalem and the Jewish people and will destroy half of the city and it's inhabitants. They will flee to the south into the valley and it will be there that the final battle is fought. it is said the armies of the world shall gather there, however that could mean at the time it was written the world as they knew it which is just that area around the Mediterranean sea.
I highly suspect common knowledge here.
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Old 01-18-2012, 10:00 PM
bbyrd009 bbyrd009 is offline

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Re: The Beast in Revelation 13 & 17

Originally Posted by TyronePalmer View Post
The beast of the sea is a demonic spirit that will inhabit the body of the 'man of lawlessness'.

We saw this demon spirit in Hitler during WW2 and we will see it again...
Alrighty then. And once you get "sea" or "waters" as "unenlightened mass of humanity" and recog this "demonic spirit" as the free will of humanity run amok...
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Old 01-18-2012, 10:08 PM
AreYouReady? AreYouReady? is offline
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Re: The Beast in Revelation 13 & 17

My husband says that there are two (2) beasts as outlined in Revelation 13:2 and 13:11,12. One comes out of the sea and one comes out of the earth.

13:1 And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.

The Club of Rome divided the earth into Ten Regions patterned after the European Union. The E.U. has 25 nation membership. They have one President and the Presidency is rotated every couple years and unelected by the people. They are appointed. (King?) Here is a map that has been drawn up showing which nations belong to which Region. They have tweaked this map several times since it first came out. We are called the North American Union (NAU) and this includes Mexico, not depicted on this map. (NAFTA?)

11 And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.
12 And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.

Consider this: One man cannot make every man, woman and child take a "mark" that the people cannot buy or sell without it.

But an economic system can. The (global) economic systems of the world operates on the Maritime Law (law of the sea). All trade is done through Admiral Law (Maritime law). Even on land. We used to operate on Common Law. The switch from common law to maritime law happened when Congress voted the Federal Reserve Act into law. All monies will be going through the central banks of the regions in the world.

There is a push for Congress to ratify a treaty called the Law Of The Sea (LOST) treaty giving the United Nations jurisdiction over ALL water on planet earth, including rivers and tributaries. I haven't researched this to see how much more of this has been done or how far Congress is considering to ratify this treaty.

Notice how much of what we buy is imported? And everything has a bar code on it.

***The barcode has many uses, although most of us think of them as simply a way to price items in the grocery or department store. Barcodes are becoming more and more common in just about every facet of consumer life. For example, car rental companies now identify their rental vehicles by using a barcode. Your luggage gets assigned a barcode when you check it into the airport in order to assure more accuracy when it comes to keeping track of it. Even driver's licenses today have barcodes on them in most states. Medicine prescriptions, library books, and tracking different shipments are also other ways that a barcode can be used.***


Our personal information is stored in our Drivers License barcode? Probably a result of the National Real ID Act that was passed (I believe) in 2005 under the Bush Administration.

The technology is here to be able to "mark" every item and every person who wishes to buy and sell.

I noticed when my neighbor was in the hospital two years ago. She had on a wristband with a barcode. Everytime they were to give her medication, they scanned the barcode on her wristband and then scanned the barcode on the medication pack. Both had to match in order for her to get the medication. If it did not match, then she was denied the medication.

Do you see how easy technology has made it to deny somebody in the near future the ability to buy? All that has to be done is to scan the "mark" in the hand or forehead for identification and permission. They even have RFID tattoo ink safe for human use.
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Old 01-19-2012, 07:51 AM
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Re: The Beast in Revelation 13 & 17

To understand revelation you must put yourself in the same time frame with the same cultural settings, and environmental things which John himself knew.
Take into consideration all the things and falsehoods in the church at the time and the persecutions of Rome and the Jewish followers of the old testament.
Once you have done that, look at the book of Daniel and see his prophetic description of the times when the end of all things will come into play.
Now, look at our present world and governments and religions and review what has has happened in just the past in history with the churches in Europe, their power in government, and what they did to people who did not conform to their ideologies of faith.
Now look again what took place in this country with these same religions when this country became the 13 colonies and how those churches persecuted others even unto death and how the government at that time did nothing.
In today's world look at government, look at world religions, look at the compromise of people in those things.
Isolate what is really anti-christ, not just things which are sinful and things which are santic, look deeply into religion, christian, other religions, and especially jewish OT beliefs.
Keep this in mind to be anti-christ does not always mean to be against Christ in a sense of opposition, it can also mean, to claim one self as Christ, or messiah, or to be looked upon as the messiah of the world. Or it can also mean to self proclaim one self as a God sent man with supernatural powers from heaven.
Getting a bigger picture yet.
Nations in the book don't necessarily mean all the nations of the world, it simply means there will be nations that will support this man.
Now, this man will come as a man of peace not war. he will also have another man supporting him which is a man appearing as a godly man. The godly man will support him in the face of other nations, here is where some think of the power of the Pope in the world of governments. One thing which has always hung me is the three spirits which go out of this man into the earth and perform miracles, that in itself never struck me as the catholic church, it sounds more like Benny Hinn,LOL
Two men= Two beast= One man declares himself as the messiah, he is honored in the temple and will defile the temple and then turn and make war against Israel. The other false religious man who shall support this messiah in the peace effort. A city involved and burns which sits on seven hills, two places in the world. One in Rome and one in the holy land.
Preterits believe it is one on the holy land and all these things have already taken place in 70 AD. Not everyone shares that belief and there is strong opposition against it, but there are a lot f supporters on here for it, as you will see once they read this, I'm sure will hear from Mike.
Two men, world support but not all nations, this man will not have power over all the world, but will have a plan of peace for the mid-eastern countries which is a deception. Holy man gaining this man support from the world religions and world church organizations. remember this.
Jesus said; In the last days many false Christ shall appear and shall deceive many, even the very elect, if it were possible.
My question in this verse is, why is it not possible?
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Old 01-19-2012, 11:00 AM
AreYouReady? AreYouReady? is offline
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Re: The Beast in Revelation 13 & 17

Bennie Hinn??

Perhaps it is more like all churches that are apostate rather than one denomination over another.

And yes, people persecuted others for their religion all through the centuries...still do in this day and age.

Originally Posted by Austin View Post
Nations in the book don't necessarily mean all the nations of the world, it simply means there will be nations that will support this man.
This world is fast uniting in globalization. If one will go to the Club of Rome website, they will find that all the nations on the planet are harmonizing their laws together with every other nation. Expect to wake up one morning to find that our new borders are from the arctic ocean to Guatemala. Our laws will be harmonized with Canada's and Mexico's laws. We will become one of the 10 Regions that the Club of Rome mapped out back in the 1950s.

Revelation 17 reads
12 And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.
13 These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast.
14 These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful.
15 And he saith unto me, The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues.
16 And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire.
17 For God hath put in their hearts to fulfil his will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled.

I don't think that any nation on this earth will be spared from the beast. Not when you look at how the Central banks are in every nation setting up the monetary system, the trade system. Every nation who will not globalize on their own will be taken by force.
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Old 01-19-2012, 11:56 AM
bbyrd009 bbyrd009 is offline

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Re: The Beast in Revelation 13 & 17

Originally Posted by Austin View Post
To understand revelation you must put yourself in the same time frame with the same cultural settings, and environmental things which John himself knew.
Take into consideration all the things and falsehoods in the church at the time and the persecutions of Rome and the Jewish followers of the old testament.
Once you have done that, look at the book of Daniel and see his prophetic description of the times when the end of all things will come into play.
Now, look at our present world and governments and religions and review what has has happened in just the past in history with the churches in Europe, their power in government, and what they did to people who did not conform to their ideologies of faith.
Now look again what took place in this country with these same religions when this country became the 13 colonies and how those churches persecuted others even unto death and how the government at that time did nothing.
In today's world look at government, look at world religions, look at the compromise of people in those things.
Isolate what is really anti-christ, not just things which are sinful and things which are santic, look deeply into religion, christian, other religions, and especially jewish OT beliefs.
Keep this in mind to be anti-christ does not always mean to be against Christ in a sense of opposition, it can also mean, to claim one self as Christ, or messiah, or to be looked upon as the messiah of the world. Or it can also mean to self proclaim one self as a God sent man with supernatural powers from heaven.
Getting a bigger picture yet.
Nations in the book don't necessarily mean all the nations of the world, it simply means there will be nations that will support this man.
Now, this man will come as a man of peace not war. he will also have another man supporting him which is a man appearing as a godly man. The godly man will support him in the face of other nations, here is where some think of the power of the Pope in the world of governments. One thing which has always hung me is the three spirits which go out of this man into the earth and perform miracles, that in itself never struck me as the catholic church, it sounds more like Benny Hinn,LOL
Two men= Two beast= One man declares himself as the messiah, he is honored in the temple and will defile the temple and then turn and make war against Israel. The other false religious man who shall support this messiah in the peace effort. A city involved and burns which sits on seven hills, two places in the world. One in Rome and one in the holy land.
Preterits believe it is one on the holy land and all these things have already taken place in 70 AD. Not everyone shares that belief and there is strong opposition against it, but there are a lot f supporters on here for it, as you will see once they read this, I'm sure will hear from Mike.
Two men, world support but not all nations, this man will not have power over all the world, but will have a plan of peace for the mid-eastern countries which is a deception. Holy man gaining this man support from the world religions and world church organizations. remember this.
Jesus said; In the last days many false Christ shall appear and shall deceive many, even the very elect, if it were possible.
My question in this verse is, why is it not possible?
Nice. I hold a less literal interpretation than you of the actual people or places inferred in Revelations, seeing them as types, but really so what.
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Old 01-19-2012, 07:00 PM
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Re: The Beast in Revelation 13 & 17

It's really amazing when you see this globalization of government and religions and how it is such a paradox with the tower of babel. Instead of spreading out into the earth they all came together under the rule of one man and one ideology. I think it is a spiritual reenactment of Satan.Since he is not creative he has to duplicate. And the central location of this gathering together I bet is very close to the same location were it once was.[ There is a mystery in this and in relation to satan's kingdom which was before man.]
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Old 01-19-2012, 08:26 PM
AreYouReady? AreYouReady? is offline
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Re: The Beast in Revelation 13 & 17

If I were a betting person, I would have to say you are onto something there. No doubt the main focus will be in Jerusalem and Israel.
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Old 01-20-2012, 07:34 AM
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Re: The Beast in Revelation 13 & 17

Originally Posted by AreYouReady? View Post
If I were a betting person, I would have to say you are onto something there. No doubt the main focus will be in Jerusalem and Israel.
I think it really made Lucifer mad when God and the host of heaven came down to the Tower of Babel and scattered the people. No doubt the devil had a plan for this gathering there, but it did not get accomplished.
Through out history when viewing the human traits of people and organized religious sects you always see this gathering in instead of spreading out idealism.
Another thing among common man is the architectural design of things in the world, it is restructured after things in the past.
There's always a tower of some kind, there has to be a steeple of some style, buildings and structures have to have some symbolization from the past with something extending toward the heavens[ nature sky].
Look in Washington D.C. at the buildings, Greek, Roman, Egyptian, and it goes on.. it's an accumulation of all the past of history and people who were under the power and influence of satanic persuasion.
I have always believed in theory that the designs of ancient times have been a reproduction of the empire of satan that he once ruled in and lost. Through our feelings and thoughts man has been influenced through the power of suggestive persuasion to do things that the prince of the world wants them to do.
Even today when we look at our young people and see the body piercing, tattoos, clothing, hairstyles we can see ancient times reproducing themselves. Today we have so many problems with people in the earth being disciplined to common order of things and the behavior of people has come out into the open and things are as they were even back to OT times when people dressed, and acted, and did as they are today.
So seeing things as such it is easy t believe that satan and his host under him can easily persuade groups of religious people, nations of people, and others to follow what ever and who ever he wants them to follow.
Gathering together under one government and one house, not an impossibility, or even supporting such an idea from afar, can happen, will happen.
Everything seems, no matter how big or small, seems to make a circle back to where it once was and the way it was.
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Old 01-20-2012, 12:24 PM
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Re: The Beast in Revelation 13 & 17

Yes. The building structures some sources say are after the ancient pagan worship. Towers with points, steeples ... are phallic symbols from the past. Ancient holidays like Easter...which is..in short.. the pagan celebration of the earth's renewal.

Tower of Babel ... located in Iraq. It will be interesting to see what the future holds in the City of Babylon, Iraq.
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