LOL-well getting boiled, heads cut off, being a human torch, throne to lions, crucified, living in caves, jailed, etc, can be somewhat depressing.
So can living an more-or-less normal Christian life, but wondering if you are really saved. Or wondering why miracles don't happen for you. Or thinking some of your loved ones who have died are in eternal torment. (Does it help to know that they deserved it?)
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty
So can living an more-or-less normal Christian life, but wondering if you are really saved. Or wondering why miracles don't happen for you. Or thinking some of your loved ones who have died are in eternal torment. (Does it help to know that they deserved it?)
Lot of lousy outlooks... Living for God is good. We should be the happiest people on earth and the closer we come to him the more comforted we should feel...
Christ made salvation easy for us. He bore the cross and shed His blood so that we may have salvation.
How we respond to life situations after obtaining salvation is what is hard sometimes.
Are we willing to respond the same way Christ and the Apostles responded when they walked this earth?
Are we willing to suffer revilement, persecution, beatings and even death for the sake of His name?
Lot of lousy outlooks... Living for God is good. We should be the happiest people on earth and the closer we come to him the more comforted we should feel...
God is LOVE. <3
What do you mean by "lousy outlooks"? Lousy in what way? Should I be ashamed to think that way?
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty
Everyone there is cream of the crop in Pentecost, highly involved in their churches... younger than me (I haven't reached 30), have two or three kids, and divorced.
Who has two or three kids and divorced? The cream of the crop in Pentecost or you?
Divorce isn't a death sentence for wanting marriage, home and family...even in UPC. or it shouldn't be anyway.