Re: How would you define holiness and holy living?
God is Holy. I define Holiness as the atribute of Gods perfection that He expects us to relate to.
Holy Living in my mind is bending my will to the Spirit of Grace.
Titus tells us that Grace is a teacher. That means that the instruction is either accepted or rejected. when we bend our will to the instruction of Grace, we walk in Holiness. When we reject the instruction, then we have given our answer to God.
Teaching Holiness can only be done with the context of Sanctification. And Sanctification is that process of walking thru life and allowing grace to filter out what God wants filtered.
I liken it to walking down a dark hallway the end of which is where God resides. The closer we get to the end of the hall where God is, the more of His light we have. As we use that Light to view ourselves, we see those things about us that are unclean. before we can progress further toward the light, we have to deal with what we see.
Each time we use that light to deal with our own darkness, the closer we come to God...
To me this is Holiness. This is Sanctification. They can no more be seperated than the two sides of a coin.
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
Re: How would you define holiness and holy living?
Holiness and Holy Living are works of Grace And Works Of The Holy Spirit in the life of a believer. Living a lifestyle of seperation is an expression of gratitude for the work of Grace that has been done in one's life.
People who are always looking for fault,can find it easily all they have to do,is look into their mirror.
There they can find plenty of fault.
Re: How would you define holiness and holy living?
Originally Posted by Scott Hutchinson
Holiness and Holy Living are works of Grace And Works Of The Holy Spirit in the life of a believer. Living a lifestyle of seperation is an expression of gratitude for the work of Grace that has been done in one's life.
Hey, that's a good post.
How do we define separation?
I see it as seeking to be as much like Jesus that you've drawn so near to Him... you no longer relate to the sinful things of this world.
Re: How would you define holiness and holy living?
Seperation from the world,is when one draws nigh to God,and lets their desires be changed from desiring things of a sinful nature to desiring things of a Godly nature.
Thanks for the compliment.
People who are always looking for fault,can find it easily all they have to do,is look into their mirror.
There they can find plenty of fault.
Re: How would you define holiness and holy living?
Originally Posted by Scott Hutchinson
Seperation from the world,is when one draws nigh to God,and lets their desires be changed from desiring things of a sinful nature to desiring things of a Godly nature.
Thanks for the compliment.
Re: How would you define holiness and holy living?
Holiness also has alot to do with faith,because if one has a strong trust in The Lord,then they will want to do what their Lord instructs them to do,it goes way deeper than merely externals.
People who are always looking for fault,can find it easily all they have to do,is look into their mirror.
There they can find plenty of fault.
Re: How would you define holiness and holy living?
If we partake in the divine nature,then our behavior will reflect this.
I need to write a book,can anybody help me put one together.
People who are always looking for fault,can find it easily all they have to do,is look into their mirror.
There they can find plenty of fault.
If we partake in the divine nature,then our behavior will reflect this.
I need to write a book,can anybody help me put one together.
So true.
I was taught something challenging by an elder. I had confessed to him about a sin I was struggling with. I was in doubt that I was saved, feeling like if I were truly regenerated, having a new nature through the Holy Ghost, it wouldn't be so hard to overcome. He stared at me a minute and then asked how I felt about my sin. I shared that I was ashamed, felt guilty, and depressed over it. He explained that my old sinful nature wouldn't feel that way, instead it would feel said sin was perfectly fine. The very fact that I have a new nature through the abiding presence of the Spirit is what is causing my feelings of guilt and shame. Reason being that my actions weren't in alignment with my new nature as a new creature in Christ through the Spirit. I realized that my deep sorrow and conviction were evidence that I was saved. I felt the weight of world lift off my shoulders. He went on to explain that my carnal mind, which desires to please the flesh, was still very much a part of me. The key was to repent and then renew my mind through Bible study and prayer, seeking to put on and cultivate the mind of Christ Jesus in me. I was deeply encouraged realizing that the Christian walk is a journey through the process of being conformed into the image of Jesus through His victory. Not a self won victory I had to feverishly maintain.
Re: How would you define holiness and holy living?
I could agree with about everything thats been said. I will just add to.
7:1 Having therefore these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all defilement of flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.