Good point, Miss B, but I'm not so sure the "scriptural" revelations brought to light by our Pentecostal forefathers are so easy to prove or disprove. The scriptures are merely interpreted differently, and in some cases blatantly MISinterpreted, but the doctrines are still built upon those erroneous thought processes.
If one challenges those "revelations" that person can be disfellowshipped, blackballed, or discredited, and that's what bothers me.
Granted, the Pentecostal doctrine is not built on instructions from an angel that cannot be verified, but sometimes I think we're almost as bad.
Unfortunately true.............
"Le sens commun n'est pas si commun."
(Common sense is not so common.)
Common sense is genius dressed in working clothes.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Common sense and a sense of humor are the same thing, moving at different speeds. A sense of humor is just common sense, dancing.
William James
Good point, Miss B, but I'm not so sure the "scriptural" revelations brought to light by our Pentecostal forefathers are so easy to prove or disprove. The scriptures are merely interpreted differently, and in some cases blatantly MISinterpreted, but the doctrines are still built upon those erroneous thought processes.
If one challenges those "revelations" that person can be disfellowshipped, blackballed, or discredited, and that's what bothers me.
Granted, the Pentecostal doctrine is not built on instructions from an angel that cannot be verified, but sometimes I think we're almost as bad.
I thank God for the revelations of 20th century Pentecostals. They have caused a dramatic turn toward the faith once delivered to the saints bringing in light to a darkened world. The restoration is not yet complete but Christianity looks more like it did in the early Church than it has for centuries.
The gates of hell shall not prevail against the church personally I feel the Christian faith or The Christian church has always been in existence every since it's inception.
While it's true certain truths has been rediscovered by people down through history.
There always been the church,it would seem to me that if the church ceased to exist then the gates of hell prevailed against the church.
This is quite a mouthful Bro. Scott.
Does this assume the three-steps have always been somewhere throughout? One of my former pastors used to point out some obscure recorded source in history of a baptism in "Jesus Name". I used to think how strange that "truth" be hidden so deep in historical account.
Pentecostalism in the 21st Century goes back farther than William Seymour. Namely, Charles Fox(xe?) Parham and his little bible school in Topeka, KS is where the modern experience of speaking in tongues originated in the United States.
while we like to believe this it isnt true.
My great grandmother spoke in tongues way before Fox. She was of a family of Methodists that had the HG long before the 20th century started.
As has already been stated the Mormons came up with an entire new bible. Apostolics read the same bible everyone else does and claim no new scripture. There are vast differences between the mormons and pentecostals.
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
When something has been driven underground or presecuted,the writings and history about such may have been destroyed,or rewritten by those who did the persecuting ,but it does seem to me in my opinion that the Christian faith would never have been extinct,because if the Christian faith had ever ceased to exist then surely the gates of hell would have prevailed against The Faith.
People who are always looking for fault,can find it easily all they have to do,is look into their mirror.
There they can find plenty of fault.
True Biblical Christianity is certainly nothing new,however one never find denominations and a denomination system in the Bible.So a denominational set up must have come along after the Bible was written.
People who are always looking for fault,can find it easily all they have to do,is look into their mirror.
There they can find plenty of fault.
When something has been driven underground or presecuted,the writings and history about such may have been destroyed,or rewritten by those who did the persecuting ,but it does seem to me in my opinion that the Christian faith would never have been extinct,because if the Christian faith had ever ceased to exist then surely the gates of hell would have prevailed against The Faith.
I don't believe Christianity would have ever been extinct just because of a lack of documentatiion either bro. But when it comes to what we think or believe was driven underground, i.e. 19th, 20th century practices, we have to make assumptioms as to "what was" . I don't believe it to be a basis to prove or disprove truth. Fortunately we have "the book" to do that.
I believe that the argument over the words spoken over the baptismal candidate has been predominately a 20th century point of contention. Am sure others on here have an opinion on that.
That's a good reason why personally, I'm in neither of those categories. lol. As far as I'm concerned it is ridiculous to think that no one was really saved between the time of the apostles and the early 19th century.
Originally Posted by Hoovie
I certainly agree with this.
Originally Posted by Dante
I concur. Where the attitude of "The 20th Century is the most spiritually enlightened era in human history" ever came from I do not know, but it is very arrogant for modern theologians and scholars to condemn nearly 2000 years worth of Christ-loving souls to hell because they might not have believed entirely what is encapsulated in a book of by-laws, corporate church constitutions, or personal convictions of a few lords over God's heritage.
Who said that no one was saved from the apostles to the 20th century? Never, ever heard anyone say that, and I am 3rd gen...
My great grandmother spoke in tongues way before Fox. She was of a family of Methodists that had the HG long before the 20th century started.
As has already been stated the Mormons came up with an entire new bible. Apostolics read the same bible everyone else does and claim no new scripture. There are vast differences between the mormons and pentecostals.