Originally Posted by Digging4Truth
Those sound more like what tend to be "from the top down" changes.
Do you know of any that were changes made by local church members pressing for a change?
From the top down changes can come by the Pastor observing the results of his ministry on the church and not liking what he sees. When you see that you are losing your young people because of harsh extra biblical rules and authoritarian control some might decide to change their methods. When the Sunday school teachers and Youth Leaders are wringing their hangs and saying "there are things that we teach that the young people are questioning, and 'because Pastor said' just isnt working for this generation, maybe it worked for us, but it's not going to work for them." Change can be an ebb and flow between the Pastor and the congregation because of love and examining the results of one's ministry. The church is an organism, not a one person show.
Adults can be open and honest and express their concerns in a respectfull manner. Young people on the other hand are most likely going to act out what they are feeling.
Not all of the traditions of men are bad, some are good and are grounded in biblical principles. Sometimes it's how those principle are presented. You can teach principles and allow God to work on a person's heart, loving them while God is doing the work. Or you can damage a person by demanding that they line up to the tee or they will split hell wide open.
Demanding conformity with an overbearing authoritation spirit will cause people to become judgemental hypocrits that are constantly eyeing each other up to see who lines up and who is on their way to hell.
We, the people of the Name, who love and worship God with beautifull and expressive praise, who see many come to the Lord with Holy Ghost infillings and baptisms in Jesus Name, have something so very precious. Let us not mar it by crossing the line from encouraging our spiritual children to become holy from the inside out to mandating life choking legalism that kills the love of the Spirit.
We who have begun in the Spirit, shall we then become perfect through the flesh?