Originally Posted by QueenEsther
I was looking into this about 2 years ago and I talked to my family doctor about it once (we know him personally outside of the office) and he reccommended that I not do it because the doctors now days are starting to send everything via e-mail to people in other countries - it is much cheaper - not really a nice thing to do but it is being done. Same with reading x-rays. It is all being done electronically over seas. I would still like to look into medical billing or coding. If anyone has any info on that please let me know. Thanks!
Offshoring and better technology were two reasons I was kinda leary of doing it myself. I'd hate to invest a year into learning a new skill only to find out that I've wasted my time.
I do want to find something I can do from home, though. That way I'm able to homeschool and take care of the house while bringing in money without being overly stressed like I was when I was working 40 hours/week outside of my home...