Originally Posted by Amanah
This subject is very interesting to me also.
For years OPs preached that charismatic churches were of the devil and on their way to hell.
Trinitarians thought OPs were heretics.
What has caused people to change their minds?
I still strongly oppose Trinitarianism. I do believe that they unwittingly believe in three Gods. Heres the problem. Oneness is not all the truth there is. It is my number 1 point of fellowship but there are other things very important for me also.
I came out of Trinitarianism in 1979 and have never been a member of one of them since then. And yet its also been many years since I was a member of a mainline Oneness Church. The teaching is very shallow in general in either group.
Most Apostolics taught Charismatics were on the way to Hell because of the dress code as well as the Oneness. Obviously there are Trins who are more spiritual than Oneness and some Oneness more spiritual than Trins.
That does not change the truth. I think whats happening is Oneness people have been taught very little about Oneness. Even the top so called "scholars" dont understand the things that were taught early on about Oneness in the movement.
Early on I won a good number of Trins to the truth. You almost NEVER heard of Oneness going to Trinity it was the other way around. But NOW its the other way around. Oneness are FALLING in droves.
And I do mean FALLING. My prayer is that the Oneness Churches will finally move on to deeper truths. I dont mean Oneness it is THE GREATEST TRUTH. I mean things like the rapture. Heart purity. The true doctrine of the resurrection.
Many people have left Oneness over the dress code! I have always battled with elements of it but it really stuns me to see people leave Oneness doctrine and accept Trinity because they were "burned" by the standards thing.
Yet the Oneness Preachers have themselves to blame in a way because they have taught unbiblical standards and otherwise shallow doctrine EXCEPT for Oneness and
Acts 2:38.
This forum is one of the worst places a person could be if they are trying to hold on to Oneness doctrine. It is attacked here without ceasing.
If you are still Oneness you are doing well. It is a fall to go Trinitarian.
As stated at least to me Oneness is gloriously true! Yet Oneness Churches in the rest of the whole counsel of God are just as shallow as Trinitarian groups.
Instead of digging in and fighting harder over the standards they need about 10 years of teaching on holiness and heart purity, sermon on the mount style.
Dont give up the doctrine that Jesus is the Father. And yet many here who even now think they are Oneness will fight against that very statement.
To me the stuff Atlanta Bishop is saying is way off. If hes never had to argue with a Trin he has obviously never preached to them that Jesus is the Father and the Son. When I came to the truth most of them dropped me like a hot potato. I was not trying to condemn them just trying to teach a better way. I have contended with Trins probably hundreds of times and I dont regret teaching Bible doctrine. I was born to honor Jesus and exalt him to the highest place in the Universe. PERIOD. Peace, Michael