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Old 10-02-2011, 01:56 PM
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Re: UPC to Change Stance on Military Combatants?<<

Wait till they come and and yell, "I have an Axe and 2 38s!"
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Old 10-02-2011, 02:05 PM
RandyWayne RandyWayne is offline
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Re: UPC to Change Stance on Military Combatants?<<

Originally Posted by UnTraditional View Post
Wait till they come and and yell, "I have an Axe and 2 38s!"
That is the same basic idea as making as much noise as possible moving back the slides and knocking the clips in. I also told my wife I would then say (just loud enough for anyone in the house to hear) "Ok, formation 32. Just like we did in Guatemala. Ready, 3, 2, 1, Go!"
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Old 10-02-2011, 07:08 PM
deafdriscoll deafdriscoll is offline
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Re: UPC to Change Stance on Military Combatants?<<

I am not UPC.
God told the israelites to kill all those people that were intheir land. The people disobeyed and let the Philistines live. Hmmmmmm.......

The war in Afganatain was to stop Osama from killing more Americans. If we kill in self defense and do not shed innocent blood we are in the clear.

Oh, for those of you who have guns in your homes, I do not have a gun in my home. However, I have 4 man eating cats in my house trailer. I am innocent of murder my cats ate the thief. I am blameless.
deafdriscoll the youngest leads the assualt.
casper the oldest male cat ordered it.
rejik the oldest female struck with a vengence.
Leo the the other female ripped the thiefs arms off.
true story Do we need a poll to decide if this is true?
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Old 10-02-2011, 08:01 PM
johnny44 johnny44 is offline
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Re: UPC to Change Stance on Military Combatants?<<

Originally Posted by deafdriscoll View Post
I am not UPC.
God told the israelites to kill all those people that were intheir land. The people disobeyed and let the Philistines live. Hmmmmmm.......

The war in Afganatain was to stop Osama from killing more Americans. If we kill in self defense and do not shed innocent blood we are in the clear.

Oh, for those of you who have guns in your homes, I do not have a gun in my home. However, I have 4 man eating cats in my house trailer. I am innocent of murder my cats ate the thief. I am blameless.
deafdriscoll the youngest leads the assualt.
casper the oldest male cat ordered it.
rejik the oldest female struck with a vengence.
Leo the the other female ripped the thiefs arms off.
true story Do we need a poll to decide if this is true?
No,just let me know where I can get some cats like that.
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Old 10-03-2011, 11:29 AM
deafdriscoll deafdriscoll is offline
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Re: UPC to Change Stance on Military Combatants?<<

You can find cats like that in a old deserted barn. if they bite your hand that means it is better than a dog to teach to protect your home.
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Old 10-03-2011, 12:39 PM
NorCal NorCal is offline
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Re: UPC to Change Stance on Military Combatants?<<

Thou shalt not kill (murder is the correct interpretation).

What is murder?

Murder is the unlawful killing of another human being with "malice aforethought", and generally this state of mind distinguishes murder from other forms of unlawful homicide (such as manslaughter). As the loss of a human being inflicts enormous grief upon the individuals close to the victim, as well as the fact that the commission of a murder is highly detrimental to the good order within society, most societies both present and in antiquity have considered it a most serious crime worthy of the harshest of punishment. In most countries, a person convicted of murder is typically given a long prison sentence, possibly a life sentence where permitted, and in some countries, the death penalty may be imposed for such an act — though this practice is becoming less common.[1] In most countries, there is no statute of limitations for murder (no time limit for prosecuting someone for murder). A person who commits murder is called a murderer .[2]

That is what we as individuals need to focus on. If called to serve, serve in a capacity that you feel that you can with a clean conscience. For example, in the Med Corp, Engineering, or other position that does not demand direct conflict.
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Old 10-04-2011, 10:33 PM
RandyWayne RandyWayne is offline
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Re: UPC to Change Stance on Military Combatants?<<

Since my wife is the firearms aficianado in our home, this is probably the last scene that any perp breaking into our home would see before they saw lights out for the very last time:

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Old 10-06-2011, 09:14 PM
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Re: UPC to Change Stance on Military Combatants?<<

Originally Posted by RandyWayne View Post
It is like saying to them "Thank you for sinning, so I don't have to! I really appreciate it!".
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Old 10-07-2011, 02:26 PM
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Re: UPC to Change Stance on Military Combatants?<<

Originally Posted by MissBrattified View Post
I honestly don't know where I stand on this issue. It's one I haven't totally sorted out. It's easy to say: Don't kill other human beings in defense of a country, but I would quickly and easily do so in defense of my family. On a larger scale, there's not much difference between the two.

That said: RS made some excellent points about the lack of debate and insurrection over this Resolution. Very interesting.
You're right. And I agree about "family." It is a tough issue to really hammer down and that is why I've always thought that any statements on this topic ought to be rather open ended.

Personally, I'd like nothing more than to take the high road and adopt an entirely pacifistic stance. However, I would still need someone to "take up the sword" on my behalf (Romans 13:3-4 & etc.). So, what kind of relationship do I have with the one who does "bear the sword?" Should I pay his salary? Provide his medical care when he gets injured in battle? Should I contribute toward the cost of his sword?

If we are to follow Romans 13 here, then we do all of the above. We do all of the above anyway just because we're American taxpayers. The hypotheticals can start to add up quickly, too. What would you do and how far would you go to stop a Columbine type of attack? What if you were a teacher in the school and you had the chance to jump one of the shooters? Would you use his gun to stop the other shooter?

We live in a dangerous world. Unless we are we willing to get into a quiet and orderly line leading to the gas chambers, we will have to participate in the fight at some level.
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Old 10-07-2011, 02:27 PM
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Re: UPC to Change Stance on Military Combatants?<<

Originally Posted by RandyWayne View Post
Since my wife is the firearms aficianado in our home, this is probably the last scene that any perp breaking into our home would see before they saw lights out for the very last time:

You're Brad Pitt?
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