Originally Posted by Coonskinner
I owe it all to my dear sweet Granny, who never abused me spiritually, but did beat the puddin' out of me with a peach tree limb pretty regular.
Oddly enough, except for my wife and kids, she is my most favorite person I know.
Know what you mean.
We had two peach trees. Few switches can cut and hurt as much as they can, unless it is a persimmon switch. My mama whipped me so much with those peach tree switches that she kept both trees stipped out. We hardly ever had many peaches to can and put up.
But Coon, 'fess up. If I know you, you like me, deserved every one of 'em and more too. In those days, I don't think a day went by unless I got at least one or two.
One day, my daddy called me down at the end of a turn row where he was drinking a little water under a shade tree standing by his Georgia stock plow and big black mule. He said son, "I'm tired whuppin' you. I've been praying, I've decided to turn you over to the Lord and let him whup you from now on."
That sounded mighty good to me. But daddy backslid. It was but one or two days he and mamma both were back giving me whuppings with peach tree limbs and razor straps too.
Is that why I love their memory so much?