Originally Posted by Subdued
Did your parents or grandparents say the same thing about your generation? (Genuinely curious.)
No. Genuinely serious.
Once, in the early 1960s, I was doing my usual interrogating of my mother of Apostolic meetings way back in the 1930s and before. She made quite a remarkable statement that I've never forgotten since it was such a vast contrast to the 1960s.
She said in those days that the heaven was so close to the earth that it was almost impossible to raise your hands upward to praise the Lord without the power of God literally knocking you down to the sawdust covered ground. There, very often men and women were taken out in visions and into scenery that was too wonderful to tell, though they tried.
A great change seem to be underway in the 1940s that has continued on to this day. I can remember very well how differently Apostolic worship was in those days compared to the junkin' and jivin' that goes on today in the name of Apostolic worship. Greaaaaat difference. But, I confess, I luv it too. But, the difference is noted.