I'm sure a man will preach wherever he's invited, but even despite Pixler's UC independent background, relationships with WPF conferences somehow surprises me still.
Hey, think I could speak at a WPF conference?
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty
I'm sure a man will preach wherever he's invited, but even despite Pixler's UC independent background, relationships with WPF conferences somehow surprises me still.
Many within the WPF crowd can be heard to criticize the "Pastor as Dictator" model. NW might be another example of one. The only common thread amongst those folks seems to have been a desire to "spank" the UPC for one reason or another.
I've never met Pixler, and with his background I guess I'd have to confess that he's probably an exception to this; however if he was never UPC to begin with and isn't even WPF now, I guess his independence speaks for itself.
Many within the WPF crowd can be heard to criticize the "Pastor as Dictator" model. NW might be another example of one. The only common thread amongst those folks seems to have been a desire to "spank" the UPC for one reason or another.
I've never met Pixler, and with his background I guess I'd have to confess that he's probably an exception to this; however if he was never UPC to begin with and isn't even WPF now, I guess his independence speaks for itself.
None of them would refer to themselves as dictators, of course. They'd clothe it in different clothes.
Pixler has never been UPCI to my knowledge, though I heard he was on staff in Northern California at a UPCI-endorsed church. Anyone can confirm? Maybe even possibly San Jose. The independent brethren he hung with though were all in the mold of Phil White and the PSR Boys. But Pixler seems like a fish out of water with those characters.
None of them would refer to themselves as dictators, of course. They'd clothe it in different clothes.
Pixler has never been UPCI to my knowledge, though I heard he was on staff in Northern California at a UPCI-endorsed church. Anyone can confirm? Maybe even possibly San Jose. The independent brethren he hung with though were all in the mold of Phil White and the PSR Boys. But Pixler seems like a fish out of water with those characters.
Steve Pixler has never been UPC. He grew up in an independent church in Ft Worth that consistently fought against the UPC. (I don't think the UPC California staff job is correct.) His dad was very much anti-UPC as well as anti-tithes. (Don't know if Steve is anti-tithes and anti-UPC as his dad was.) He came out of a very strict, everything that a person might consider doing was wrong, atmosphere. He has done a great job in Ft Worth. A man of integrity and an honest person.
"From the time you're born, 'til you ride in the hearse, there ain't nothing bad that couldn't be worse!"
LIFE: Some days you're the dog and some days you're the hydrant!
I have ... Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia! The fear of long words.
"Prediction is very hard, especially about the future." - Yogi Berra
"I love the man that can smile in trouble, that can gather strength from distress, and grow brave in reflection." - Thomas Paine
Steve Pixler has never been UPC. He grew up in an independent church in Ft Worth that consistently fought against the UPC. (I don't think the UPC California staff job is correct.) His dad was very much anti-UPC as well as anti-tithes. (Don't know if Steve is anti-tithes and anti-UPC as his dad was.) He came out of a very strict, everything that a person might consider doing was wrong, atmosphere. He has done a great job in Ft Worth. A man of integrity and an honest person.
Someone just sent this to me via PM:
Yes, the California staff job is correct. He worked there several years. Steve is not anti-tithes or anti-UPC, and his dad is not any longer either.