Originally Posted by Charnock
This is why they continue to pull the crud they pull. Everybody covers for them.
Just some thoughts rolling around in my brain.
I was thinking about the scripture - "And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors."
Matthew 6:12
I have two questions:
Do you think all sins are equal in God's eyes, except for blasphemy against the Holy Ghost?
Do you believe that if you have sinned, regardless of whether (past or present) it's lying, stealing, fornication, adultery, etc., etc., and that if you were to gossip about someone's sins that God won't forgive your sins according to
Matthew 6:12?
I was also thinking about
James 5:16 "Confess your faults one to another,"
At what point in our lives does that verse become real and make us have such unity in the body that we could "confess our faults" and have not have them spoken about openly, gossiped about privately, etc.?