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Old 01-13-2011, 04:34 PM
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Praxeas Praxeas is offline
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Re: It must stink to live in CALI, NV and Fl!

Originally Posted by Praxeas View Post
What does the bible have to do with it or the Lakers?

••Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh.......humor? It's that thing where someone tries to use sarcasm, in certain places, to be funny.

Uhhhhhhh....ok nice try then?

Yeah ruined? You didn't see the list that most of the economically stressed counties are in Ca?

••Oh good grief, it's not ruined. If you don't like it, move to Idaho. We're going through tough times. It'll pass.

So I can't have an opinion about California I have to move somewhere else instead of remain and hope for change? Change won't happen as long as people have that attitude

Ca used to be touted as a state that could become it's own nation and still be as prosperous as the US. But that has been changing for several years with over taxation of businesses, over regulation and mounting fees. If one is relatively secure in the job they have or is an over paid member of the teachers union, they might be oblivious to the direction Ca is taking. I don't see how otherwise someone can't be aware of the financial direction the state has been taking for several years of a democratically controlled State
••However, people that actually know what they're doing still know how to prosper here.

There are a lot more people in the state and an unselfish view looks to the long term prosperity of the state and the citizens not the few. And Im sure there are plenty of people in the state or those that had to move their business out of state to remain competitive would take exception to your assertion they don't know what they are doing.

Businesses are and have been exiting California, which leaves many Californians out of work, even without a recession or depression. The fewer that are working the less that are paying taxes. The less taxes being paid the less revenue the Govt takes in. The less they take in the more they have to either or both raise taxes and cut spending....

Democrats are loath to cut spending and historically view raising taxes and establishing fees or increasing fees as the best option. But it's partly due to that reason that many businesses have left or closed doors.

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