Originally Posted by Pastor Poster
My wife has never worked a full time job outside of the home. From time to time she has worked part time for a short period to give us a financial boost. Our kids have never been in daycare.
We learned to make do. God always provided. We don't have as many things as a lot of folks, but we have great kids and wonderful memories.
We don't regret our decision for her to be a stay at home mom at all.
We don't regret it either! I've been there with my children from day 1. My children have never been in daycare either, thank God. I am proud of what we are= = = a family!!!!
Originally Posted by ILG
On the board it said SAHM's are parasites and worthless. Not all the people are saying that, of course, but some are downright nasty. I am amazed that ANYONE would think a SAHM was a parasite and worthless.
It's because instead of owning up to the fact that they made a mess out of their lives, they will attack, with venom....
Originally Posted by LaGirl
I am a SAHM and LOVE IT! My son has never been in daycare. Some people cant believe I stay at home while having a degree. I say THANK YOU TO MY HUSBAND who works hard for me to stay home. He knows it is work...but at the same time..it is great to spend the day with my little man that is growing SO FAST! He starts "all day" school next school year, i am thinking of teaching or something in the school system. that way i am off when he is.
You go girl! Thank yo man!!!! I do too!
Oh, I'm not a stay at home mom. If you were to ask my hubby if I stay home, he would laugh his head off. I don't stay home!!! We all work hard. It really gets under my skin when people think that because I don't work outside the home, that I just sit around all day and do nothing. This Mama works, hard.... And it pays off! In my neck of the woods though, it is very common to find mothers who stay home and homeschool.