Originally Posted by Charnock
But what if you were married, your husband left you for another woman, and vanished? What if you can't even locate him for say....four years? What if you can't get his signature on the divorce papers?
Is it okay then? After all, it's not your fault he was a cheater? It's not your fault you can't marry the new guy.
IS your fault is what YOU do or don't do,
despite any circumstances. PERIOD.
Its really that simple. GOD says so., btw., AND since HE is the only one (unless my newspaper wasn't delivered that day or somethin) that:
1) has that kind of authority over everything and everyone,
2) knows whats next..
3) has written our life story, cover-to-cover, before we were even thought about by anyone on earth..
4) considers time as irrelevant..and therefore is the same yesterday today and forever; whose WORD has already been forever settled in heaven
5) can take you out in a split second,
6) can deliver a pardon to the most vile person ever known..if they truly
7) knows everyones heart; reads everyones mind
I'll stop there, the list can just go on & on and on, and if this isn't enuf for ya, well
sorrrreeeee.. bye now!