My take on the issue would render me in the "Reluctant Progressive" category.
I feel, as with many issues, we need to take things for face value.
Television, for instance, is only as moral as the most vulgar show that your television can display. If you run Sky Angel Network you have a safe solution. If you have a big name cable company such as Comcast or in the west Cox, then sadly the moral compass may be TBN
so your kids or even yourself can be spoon fed filtered propaganda.
Why would a church ever want to associate itself with such?
When I turn on the tube (meaning my 300 channel monitor) I don't associate every commercial with the station. As a matter of fact its often reverse, if the channel is TBN and I see a commercial for Victoria Secret, then TBN took the hit, not VS for associating with religion....
After making that point I also want to ask what other methods of advertising do you have? Community charity? Outreach programs? After school babysitting (Latchkey)? Why do you want to use that median, has clothing the naked, feeding the hungry, and sheltering the homeless proven insufficient?
When I was a young lad, much younger than I am now (for inquiring minds I am 19) I had the impression that major colleges should live off of the reputation they built for themselves... Much to my dismay before I moved from the great Republic of California to Indiana I saw some Harvard commercials. I assumed enrollment was down... that meant they were low on cash... What is the motive behind such a medium of advertisement...