I watched Benny Hinn last night for 2 full hours speak on Angels, Demons and pre Adamic civilization. According to BH there was a pre-Adamic civilization that later became demons.
He uses
Isaiah 14:12 How art thou fallen from heaven oh Lucifer, son of the morning, how art thou cut down which didst weaken the nations. (among other verses) This is obviously talking about nations before Lucifer fell and we know that Lucifer had already fallen by the time Adam and Eve came on the scene. So who were "the nations"?
I don't understand how they became demons, unless they rebelled with Lucifer and were not offered redemption. BH differentiates from fallen Angels who have the power to materialize and have sex with women and produce the giants from genesis. He says their seed must have passed through the daughter-in-laws of Noah in order to explain giants after the flood.
BH also talked about 5 places in the underworld. Hell or sheol where the wicked dead are. Paradise where the righteous dead were. The pit where the pre-adamic race of demons are and are released according to the demand of sin by humans on earth. Taturus where the fallen angels are in prison. And the lake of fire which is currently empty.
BH also claims that the scorpion beasts of Revelation actually describe the half human half beast pre-adamic reace that are demons. With face of man, hair of woman, teeth like lion, tail like scorpion.
BH had much more to say if you are interested in watching online go to: tbn.org/watch us/ archives. (sorry my link button not showing up, so I couldn't post the link) And watch the May 3 PTL. Show will be archived for 1 month. Does anyone know how to rip video? I would like to archive for future use, please pm me. The show will also be replayed on TBN tonight at ice5pm eastern. Reminder: Madonna Massey supposed to be on tonight at 10 eastern on PTL.