Originally Posted by Lafon
Surely you jest!
That was they said about the idiot we got now. Fact is she had more experience then he did then, or now. She would have done nothing that he has done and our future gens wouldnt already be bankcrupt as a result.Israel wouldnt have been humiliated like they are.We wouldnt have sotamyor as a supreme court justice (a rascist imo) . I remember saying when she was picked, who!!! No one is saying who now and both parties are petrified of her especially the dems, otherewise they woudld ignore her, instead bo keeps her in the news by responding, which is ok by me. At least she is rock solid conservative ,true to her roots, not a rhino.And she has common sense plus she is 100 percent america not some muslim sympathsizer apologist for every perceived wrong we ever had.