Re: freeatlasts new twin grandbabies
Freeatlast Congratulations.... And I think it's about time you got your head out of the sand so you can look at those grand babies. What an awesome gift from God. My youngest grand daughter (9 yrs old) called me tonight to see if she could interview her Paw Paw for a project at school. Boy was I proud.
BeenThinkin (about those Grand babies)
"From the time you're born, 'til you ride in the hearse, there ain't nothing bad that couldn't be worse!"
LIFE: Some days you're the dog and some days you're the hydrant!
I have ... Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia! The fear of long words.
"Prediction is very hard, especially about the future." - Yogi Berra
"I love the man that can smile in trouble, that can gather strength from distress, and grow brave in reflection." - Thomas Paine