While we are going down memory lane any one remember Lance Appleton. In my youth he was good. Loved his "one God apostolic" born again heaven bound beleiver...
sure would love to get in touch with him. Used to be fairly good friends with him. Had him come hold a local three day youth function where I was asst. pastoring at the time in the 80's
Study the word with and open heart For if you do, Truth Will Prevail
Last edited by Godsdrummer; 12-11-2009 at 10:45 AM.
The Promiseland Church in Loveland, Ohio Is Bro. Doug Cox's church. I've had the opportunity to be there and am looking forward to a time when I can get there again. He is my Pastor's son. He likes a good 'jazz' style of gospel music, as do I. I really like the layout of their sanctuary. I would've loved to have been there to hear and worship with David Huff. I've heard some about it from my Pastor.
I also remember those tamborines..... In the hands of someone who could keep a good, steady beat, it wasn't too bad if it was only one. In the hands of one who had no rhythmic sensibilities, well, we all know how that goes!
Music volume that hurts the ears, damaging the human eardrum should never be appropriate. Somehow, I can't personally believe God would want us damaging our hearing for the rest of our human existence for the purpose of enjoying brain-splitting volumes of music. My own personal take on it is if you have to have a damaging level of loud music to feel the presence of God, what god are you worshiping?
The Promiseland Church in Loveland, Ohio Is Bro. Doug Cox's church. I've had the opportunity to be there and am looking forward to a time when I can get there again. He is my Pastor's son. He likes a good 'jazz' style of gospel music, as do I. I really like the layout of their sanctuary. I would've loved to have been there to hear and worship with David Huff. I've heard some about it from my Pastor.
I also remember those tamborines..... In the hands of someone who could keep a good, steady beat, it wasn't too bad if it was only one. In the hands of one who had no rhythmic sensibilities, well, we all know how that goes!
Music volume that hurts the ears, damaging the human eardrum should never be appropriate. Somehow, I can't personally believe God would want us damaging our hearing for the rest of our human existence for the purpose of enjoying brain-splitting volumes of music. My own personal take on it is if you have to have a damaging level of loud music to feel the presence of God, what god are you worshiping?
I agree, but don't you think volume is an age oriented thing? Did you listen to loud music when you were young?
Just curious.
If we use Scripture to validate this subject, loud music is acceptable.
Loud doesn't bother me...I don't like for my ears to hurt, though. I've been to concerts where it was simply painful--I was wishing I had gone for the nosebleed seats.
Scripture doesn't condemn noise or high volume, but I do think we need to draw the line at hurting people's eardrums! No need for that! Since sound is magnified with amplifiers and microphones, usually well beyond a "normal" loud volume, we should take care to not push the parameters.
My pastor calls it peeling the paint off the walls--young people like it, and that's okay for them. No need to subject anyone else to it.
"God, send me anywhere, only go with me. Lay any burden on me, only sustain me. And sever any tie in my heart except the tie that binds my heart to Yours."
--David Livingstone
"To see no being, not God’s or any, but you also go thither,
To see no possession but you may possess it—enjoying all without labor or purchase—
abstracting the feast, yet not abstracting one particle of it;…."
--Walt Whitman, Leaves of Grass, Song of the Open Road
I was the sound guy. When the "praise and worship" leader (when did they stop calling it the "song service" ) told me to ignore people who said the music was hurting their ears, that was the beginning of the end of my career in the booth. She actually said "pay them no mind."
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty
We could go back and forth as to whether loud music is appropriate or not. I personally do not, and have never liked my music overtly loud. What I deem appropriate for me may not be appropriate for you. (I enjoy listening to Gregorian chants!) What is appropriate for you may be inappropriate for someone else. That's called being human. I grew up in music, and I don't mean just listening to the radio at home or attending the once-in-awhile concert. I wish they would've had the in-ear, individual, performer controlled monitors then as they have now. They work so much better than earplugs!
I agree somewhat that sound volume is related to age. But, at our district adult camp this summer, the volume was so loud that I couldn't even hear my wife yelling at me sitting next to me. She had to yell because hearing her talk was impossible. I mean, this was 'old' folks camp. A few weeks later, I attended the Friday night service of youth camp to retrieve my daughter. The volume wasn't bad at all. It was loud, yet not too loud. Again, I didn't so much care for the style of the music, but it was very well done.
I said earlier that God is still working on me concerning this modern worship music. It's simply not my taste in music. However, if today's loud music is spreading the Gospel message and winning the lost, then I must say carry on, and don't get too upset when I show up at church wearing earplugs. Loud, soft, or brain-splitting volume, are we reaching the lost? Are we imparting the message of Jesus Christ and exactly who He is to those who cross the thresholds of the doors of our churches? God bless...
David Huff is a genuine Christian. Met him personally, and have almost all his albums. One of my favorites; "I'm Still Rockin".
He did "I'm Still Rockin" at PromiseLand.
He's gonna be in the area in January, this time near Dayton, Ohio. I hope to get up there for that service. I'm 72 years old now and my hearing isn't what it used to be (nothing is what it used to be) but when he was at PromiseLand it was LOUD to me. I liked it though, but I also like Lynyrd Skynyrd. Lynyrd Skynyrd was here in the Cincinnati area several years ago and my wife and I went. It was some time the next afternoon that my hearing returned. We went to see them the following year and sat farther back and it was better. My wife won't go with me to see them any more but I think maybe next year when they are in the Cincinnati area with Mike Huckabee she might go.