This graph really gives the essence of the debate. The first is the Hockey Stick by Michael Mann. MM is part of the group who are pushing the IPCC reports that the world governments are using to say Global Warming is man made (Anthropogenic Global Warming or AGW).
The second reconstruction is the historic understanding of temperature for the last 1200 years. This shows 3 important things.
First, the Medieval Warming Period (MWP) lasted for about 500 years and was global,
Second, there was a period called the Little Ice Age LIA that followed and that also corresponded with the Maunder Minimum and the Dalton Minimum. These are episodes of low Sun Spot activity.
Third, the earth is now warming again, however it is not as warm now as it was in the MWP, nor is this warming appreciably different from the previous warming period.
Based on these 3 simple facts, AGW can either be proven (by disproving the second graph) or AGW can be disproved (by proving the second graph.)
ALL of Climate Change science as it relates to AGW, boils down to proving or disproving that the current warming period is materially different from the MWP in a way that shows that it is now 1. Hotter. 2. Warmed faster. 3. Have a different source that the previous warming/cooling periods.
What we know about the 20th century is that it reversed the Little Ice Age. We also know that the LIA happened during low sunspot activity and we know that the 20th century was a period of extremely high sun spot activity.
We also know from the recently hacked emails from Hadley CRU, that the major players in the IPCC reporting (International Panel on Climate Change) work working very hard to disprove the MWP graph, and were hiding and manipulating data to do so.
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
Looking for sources of the climate temperature change and their percentage of each source's contribution, CO2 being one of the major drivers, but not necessarily the only one, but a good one to start with.
That's the rub - just how much does CO2 contribute to "warming?" How much does it prevent "cooling?" It all part of a complex series of not just INTERRELATED mechanisms - but INTERACTING mechanisms.
A volcano, for example, might belch out huge quantities of CO2 and contribute to global warming. However the dust from a large eruption will also block out solar radiation and on balance cause global cooling.
It's not a zero sum game. And it is something we need to have a discussion about, but by placing monetary incentives into the pockets of advocates for one view or the other, we will inevitably have folks hiding emails and sabotaging others with rival thoughts.
Yup and the MWP was followed by the LIA. (Little Ice Age)
I could deal with a Little Ice Age anytime now. Let it snow let it snow let it snow.
Remember those Currier and Ives paintings showing people ice skating on the Thames River? Or the Hans Christian Anderson stories about ice skating on the canals in Holland?
Those themes were all drawn up from human experiences near the close of the Little Ice Age.
Remember those Currier and Ives paintings showing people ice skating on the Thames River? Or the Hans Christian Anderson stories about ice skating on the canals in Holland?
Those themes were all drawn up from human experiences near the close of the Little Ice Age.
I have been gripping for the last week because of temperatures in the 60's here.. I want my winter and I want it NOW!
Revelation 16:8 (KJV)
{16:8} And the fourth angel poured out his vial
upon the sun; and power was given unto him to scorch men
with fire. {16:9} And men were scorched with great heat,
and blasphemed the name of God, which hath power over
these plagues: and they repented not to give him glory.
I believe that global warming is primarily due to natural cycles of the planet. However, I believe that man's greed, degradation, and exploitation of resources exacerbates the issue. Ultimately, we might be reading a prophecy of this very thing that will eventually come upon our world.
Revelation 16:8 (KJV)
{16:8} And the fourth angel poured out his vial
upon the sun; and power was given unto him to scorch men
with fire. {16:9} And men were scorched with great heat,
and blasphemed the name of God, which hath power over
these plagues: and they repented not to give him glory.
didnt that happen in 70AD?
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
The book of Revelation is multifaceted, dynamic, and multidimensional. That is the nature of prophecy. For example a prophetic utterance might go forth and apply to many different peoples lives in many different ways in any given moment in time, a period of time, or series of moments in time.
For those of the first century the Revelation spoke directly to them and the circumstances unfolding within their generation (Preterism). For those living during the dark ages of the church the shadows of prophecy loom historically as the spirit of antichrist is seen in the Roman Catholic Church (historicism). Within the very writ of the Revelation we see spiritual principles and depictions that are spiritually relevant to all believers in every age in any location (Spiritual). Yet still the Revelation serves to possibly unfold more horrendous events yet to unfold in the future culminating in what is often referred to as the Armageddon.
Sadly, one track minds who cannot interpret scripture transdimentionally or in a multifaceted manner are lost to the truths espoused by every eschatological position. Depending on subject matter and historical context any given interpretation may indeed be found bearing truth.
Often those who espouse a position apart from the traditional Futurist interpretation pride themselves for thinking outside of the box. However, they only leap from one box to another. Loose the boxes all together and embrace the truths that pour fourth from the fountain of spiritual insight and revelation that apply to all believers, in all places, in any given context, in any given period or moment in time.