Originally Posted by citizen
Then make funny pictures of Obama, a mear man, Not pictures of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
How can apostolics think its funny to have figurines of what is suppose to be Jesus? You people act more like childlike devils than people of God. You should be ashamed.
.....I just cringed when I pulled up this thread. Citizen.....you are absolutely correct. It made me cringe to think how easily people mock our Lord. You DONT make fun of Jesus or make Him the butt of a new joke. I think respect has been lost for Jesus Christ. I would not want to be in their shoes.
I almost felt like repenting just looking at some of that. It made me sick.
Look y'all. We arent talking about mohammed or buddha. We are talking about basically mocking God Almighty. The Bible says in the 10 commandments to not make unto yourselves ANY GRAVEN IMAGES. That means a "formed image". Quite frankly as an apostolic, it embarasses me that "apostolics" would actually ind these humorous and would be promoting such garbage when even the baptists wouldnt put up with this trash......God have mercy...