I'm sorry that for some the pain will never diminish, I really hurt for others too.
I can relate for when I first ever heard of such a thing, I too wondered HOW?
I live with my husband whom was abused in degrees that a human mind/heart cannot
YET, his demeanor is so KIND, so nice to everyone. People are drawn to him., he
NEVER says an unkind word about anyone, no one would EVER know anything bad
had been done to him., he would give anyone the shirt off of his back., and wouldn't
hurt a fly.
I marvel at him.
I get more mad at those whom hurt him, than he does!
Amazing grace, is all I can say.
He was not privileged with a church going family either.
Only his minister grandpa took him, to a Church of Christ, for some
time when he had temporary custody of him, also just by being a
witness of GOD., that man showed
him the love that was soo lacking in his life., not even his mother
did enough (IMHO) to protect him, I still struggle with my feelings
about her, (my MIL) although I do love her;
for I know that as a mother, ANY mother, I would do, and have done,
whateve rit takes to protect her children.
Anyway to make a long story short, he CHOSE to forgive/forget., I only
know about some of these things as he has confided in me, over many
years; and its been
confirmed by others., I wish that I was more like him as He is a great
witness of how pain can be put aside for GOD's purposes/greater good., GOD
alone knew that one day he would reach this pinnacle of being baptized
in JESUSname, and become an even greater witness for JESUs!
Right now as we speak he is giving hospice care to that person whom
so brutally abused him all of his life, up until I met him., which person
has now asked him "where am I going-what will become of me" as he
is set to die any day now. *sigh* This person never believed in GOD.
It boggles my mind, I wonder if I could be so gracious?
I suspect so when it comes down to it, I can and will be, I too have
a similar upbringing, & into adulthood.
He has been a great example to me.
Whodda thunk it?