I bet it just kills you that no matter what you and your fellow right-wing conspiracy theorists have it won't matter in the end. Because none of the lot of you can get past that little citizenship law. Respect or not he still sleeps in that big house and decides how things will be. As opposed to you and your kind deciding. That is, for the most part and mainly because the respect of the votors for your message and the message of those who think like you and believe what you believe shriveled like a prune a few years ago when they started tossing repubs out of office. AKA you
have no message, nothing of value to offer, no path for people to improve their lives and the lives of their families, and certainly nothing you or the rest of the right has done has made a bit of difference in the last (2) decades. So the votors have decided you are out. Quit complaining and take it or leave.
I can imagine how frustrated and powerless you must feel now. No wonder you are so shrill and stridant. It's the only way left for you and yours to be heard. With pointless noise. Noise is not change. Noise is nothing. (laughing again)
Originally Posted by coadie
Are you piling on the fun with Obama and his fakes/forgeries?
His respect is shriveled like a prune.
I also have a 1961 COLB that looks like Obama's