Originally Posted by rgcraig
Why don't they just call them progressive instead of emergents?
There is a "progressive" element within the UPC that employs a bit of a different usage for the term than the way it's used in the broader culture. WH often opens his meetings with an "I'm a 'Progressive Apostolic' ..." intro. He then goes into detail to describe how he's willing to "put up" with folks that don't adopt the standards right away as long as there is "progress" in their development, otherwise.
The "Progressives" in the UPC strike me as the type that don't want to be hassled by UC's if they have people show up at camp with cut hair and/or long hair on the wrong types of people. It's a way of saying "me too!" when it comes to outward standards without having to harp on the subject everytime you're in a pulpit. IMHO.
Of course, all of this begs the question, "Why not just preach what's in the Bible?"