The nightly news, newspapers, and radio tend to have very few stories of the "good" news.....
While in retail, I rarely remembered all the "good" customers.
But I sure remembered the bad custromers. And remembered the horrible pastors (only a couple but their memories stick with me like a bad potato salad).
I totally agree with you, but don't you think it's wrong? We are more negatively focused than we are positively focused.
I totally agree with you, but don't you think it's wrong? We are more negatively focused than we are positively focused.
It is the way we're wired, part of our survival instinct. I don't believe there is anything wrong with that, although it doesn't always serve us best.
If you touch a hot stove, you remember not to ever do it again! There is no reason for your brain to remember all the thing you touched that didn't hurt -for one thing it is simply not efficient to do so.
I think advice I received from my Portuguese teacher of long ago about Brazilians serve in many areas of life...she said, " Many Americans make the mistake of sayings ´these Brazilians´ because of some bad deal or something and classify them all time that creates a wall of distrust between them and you...always say if someone does you and so did me wrong...don´t group all in the same will only hurt yourself..."
I have found that true over the years...lots of missionaries use the term these Brazilians...and you can always feel an unseen wall between them and the people...
The same way about pastors...we cannot in any way or form put them all in the same group...there are good and bad Americans, good and bad Brazilians and good and bad pastors...
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We all need someone we look up to in our life...I look up to my pastor, Rev. Bryan Taylor. He has been my pastor all my life. I have never felt him to be abusive...I have seen him change things he once taught because he grew wiser not liberal as some would say...
As we grow closer to the Lord we sometimes see things different...we see we preached things because of the crowd we run with or peer pressure or because we really thought that...a WISE man changes his mind a fool never does...I have a wise pastor.
I am so blessed! He helped me (us) my sisters and I when we were just kids growing up, took us to school, fed us, prayed for us, took us to youth camps...and when I was a mere child and said God called me to the mission field he wisely worked with me to make sure it was a call and not just some fancy...
Lots of other people that have come to mission fields all over the world and made fools of themselves would have been blessed to have a pastor like I have...I must say again I am richly blessed.
Monies to help us may be sent to P.O. Box 797, Jonesville, La 71343.
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Facebook Janice LaVaun Taylor Alvear
A couple of things: First off, if you don't want criticized, then stay OUT of leadership. It just comes with the territory. When you're a leader, you have a big bullseye on your back. Deal with it. It's just the life of a leader. Secondly, if you don't want "bashed", whatever that is, then don't do stupid things like teaching WACKY doctrines, engaging in perversion, abusing people with authority etc.
I don't relish in anyone getting "bashed." This is a discussion forum, not a church. When things happen, we discuss them. If I did something stupid, I would expect it to get discussed here.
As a leader, my decisions will be disagreed with. I can't expect everyone to agree with every decision I make. I'm only human and I try to see things God's way, but not everyone else sees them that way. That is what leadership is all about. It is about leading the group, not just those who agree with you!
"Those who go after the "Sauls" among us often slay the Davids among us." Gene Edwards