Originally Posted by SOUNWORTHY
Sounds fair to me. There are those like Aquilla who has fallen on bad times because of circumstances but too many are there because of greed. If we help them they will just over indulge again. Too many people are professional takers expecting more and more from the government which is you and I. Taxes are going up here in Ca. to absorb any stimulas benefits.
Obama's new policy is nothing but a "band aid" to stop the bleeding.
If the greedy are indeed bailed out, this will only encourage them to take bigger chances and overspend in the future, because they know that big brother is there to help when things don't pan out!
There are those that are true victims of predatory lenders who convinced them they could have more than they ever dreamed. They are now waking up from the dream...or should I say nightmare?
Others were in good financial shape, but have since lost their jobs. This is a sad result that happens in all kinds of economic conditions. In the past, folks have accepted reality and moved on. Now, folks feel that they are entitled!
I'm not against the government stepping in to prop up the housing industry, but let them be fair a give everybody equal relief!
I won't complain if my mortgage balance is lowered by $50,000 and a special refinance rate of 3% is offered! I promise I'll spend the extra money to help the economy!