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Old 02-12-2009, 11:21 PM
Innocuous Innocuous is offline
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Re: Stockton, CA Miserable City?

Originally Posted by Monkeyman View Post
On a Christmas trip back home, I noticed that vibe change, especially walking through the webers town mall, lot of anger. The R.I.P. shopping kiosk doesn't help the city's image either. lol...but to address the thread starter's point, the congregation of CLC are warm , friendly, wonderful folks! They really are a light in their community!
True dat, the people sittin' on the pews at CLC are good people.
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Old 02-13-2009, 12:07 AM
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Re: Stockton, CA Miserable City?

Originally Posted by Innocuous View Post
You're right about the best Mex places, just make sure you go before 9 pm. My favorites are Susy's on Harding, Cancun on Main, and Don Luis up by CLC. Dave Wong's is good and Michael's and Dante's pizza are unmatched. Hoosier's is missed (and that Chicken Palace place out on 99 is gone too) but Chuck's is pretty good, on Pacific. The food, Costco, and Kaiser are the only reason I'll go down there though.

I remember once I was talking to a friend of mine on the street and a drug deal went bad across the street. The customer peeled out in his car and took off while the dealer shot at him with a 9mm then put the gun back in his pocket and walked back into his house. Nobody flinched, nobody ducked for cover, nobody did anything. When the shooting stopped everybody just went on about their business as if it were nothin' but a thang. The cops never showed up.

A friend of mine is a Stockton cop. He won't go out to eat down there and makes his wife shop in our town for groceries and entertainment. He says there is no such thing as a good neighborhood in Stockton.

You should move to the little town just due North and I think you'll notice a huge difference in vibe. We don't even tailgate up here, that's an epidemic down there in S-town. I guess everybody is in a hurry down there.
Next time I see you I will have to share with you my true life crime stories in Stockton.

Car Stolen, Being accosted by gang bangers in Macy's, having been with a young girl shot on the front porch of the church. You name it I have seen it there.

Living south of Stockton now, I imagine is like your town, much better, safer, peaceful.
Please pray for India

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Old 02-13-2009, 12:58 AM
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Re: Stockton, CA Miserable City?

Oh Stockton. What wonderful memories. Not! I do feel sorry for the youth that will have to be in that location in a few weeks. What a place to have youth convention. Anybody else ever eat at that buffet in front of Dillards? Interesting place. Some of the food was still moving on the plate.
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Old 02-13-2009, 01:16 AM
jdm05 jdm05 is offline
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Re: Stockton, CA Miserable City?

Originally Posted by Innocuous View Post
You're right about the best Mex places, just make sure you go before 9 pm. My favorites are Susy's on Harding, Cancun on Main, and Don Luis up by CLC. Dave Wong's is good and Michael's and Dante's pizza are unmatched. Hoosier's is missed (and that Chicken Palace place out on 99 is gone too) but Chuck's is pretty good, on Pacific. The food, Costco, and Kaiser are the only reason I'll go down there though.

I remember once I was talking to a friend of mine on the street and a drug deal went bad across the street. The customer peeled out in his car and took off while the dealer shot at him with a 9mm then put the gun back in his pocket and walked back into his house. Nobody flinched, nobody ducked for cover, nobody did anything. When the shooting stopped everybody just went on about their business as if it were nothin' but a thang. The cops never showed up.

A friend of mine is a Stockton cop. He won't go out to eat down there and makes his wife shop in our town for groceries and entertainment. He says there is no such thing as a good neighborhood in Stockton.

You should move to the little town just due North and I think you'll notice a huge difference in vibe. We don't even tailgate up here, that's an epidemic down there in S-town. I guess everybody is in a hurry down there.
Must be talking about Lodi. Nice town, actually I do all my shopping there since I am way up north. Stockton's Wal Mart and Target are way to ghetto for me. Seriously, I went to Wal Mart Monday around noon. You would have thought is was the Christmas season. Not one parking was available. Then I wondered do people not work anymore? That's not going to happen anymore. I'm sticking to Wal Mart in Lodi!!! I do remember the days of going to Xochimilco's mexican restaurant on San Joaquin at 1 am. Talk about crazy!!! Would not do that. I like Cancun, Susy's, and Don Luis as well. Chuck's is really good, only thing is you're lucky if you get a seat. Got to love Stockton!!!

I guarantee that the youth will more than likely drive out to Sacramento or San Francisco than stick around Stockton during youth convention. That's the good thing about living in Stockton, not a far drive to the Bay Area or Sac. I have never been to that chinese buffet place. For some reason it grosses me out!!! Now I will not ever attempt to try it out.
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Old 02-13-2009, 09:40 AM
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Re: Stockton, CA Miserable City?

Originally Posted by jdm05 View Post
Must be talking about Lodi. Nice town, actually I do all my shopping there since I am way up north. Stockton's Wal Mart and Target are way to ghetto for me. Seriously, I went to Wal Mart Monday around noon. You would have thought is was the Christmas season. Not one parking was available. Then I wondered do people not work anymore? That's not going to happen anymore. I'm sticking to Wal Mart in Lodi!!! I do remember the days of going to Xochimilco's mexican restaurant on San Joaquin at 1 am. Talk about crazy!!! Would not do that. I like Cancun, Susy's, and Don Luis as well. Chuck's is really good, only thing is you're lucky if you get a seat. Got to love Stockton!!!

I guarantee that the youth will more than likely drive out to Sacramento or San Francisco than stick around Stockton during youth convention. That's the good thing about living in Stockton, not a far drive to the Bay Area or Sac. I have never been to that chinese buffet place. For some reason it grosses me out!!! Now I will not ever attempt to try it out.

In spite of all of the negatives about Stockton, it will always be my home town.

Have you ever tried Yen Du, for Chinese Food? right off Pacific behind the Shell Gas Station. I've been going there for 15 years, its the best.
Please pray for India

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Old 02-13-2009, 10:19 AM
berkeley berkeley is offline
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Re: Stockton, CA Miserable City?

Doesn't Srock have the highest percentile of forclosed homes in the nation??
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Old 02-13-2009, 10:56 AM
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Re: Stockton, CA Miserable City?

Originally Posted by Bryan View Post
Doesn't Srock have the highest percentile of forclosed homes in the nation??
They were second in the nation a while back.
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Old 02-13-2009, 12:08 PM
jdm05 jdm05 is offline
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Re: Stockton, CA Miserable City?

Originally Posted by Pastor Keith View Post
In spite of all of the negatives about Stockton, it will always be my home town.

Have you ever tried Yen Du, for Chinese Food? right off Pacific behind the Shell Gas Station. I've been going there for 15 years, its the best.
Yes, love Yen Du. I used to see Bishop Haney there when he was pastor of CLC. I've been going there for years. I know the staff very well. One of the sisters is very loud and funny. She remembers everything you tell her from years ago. LOL!!! Tsing Tao is another great place. Its by Raley's on Hammer. You will see half of CLC there after church. Have you been to George's chinese restaurant on Bianchi? Its a little ghetto hole in the wall. I rarely go there because the food is so greasy, but good. LOL!!!
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Old 02-13-2009, 01:46 PM
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Re: Stockton, CA Miserable City?

Let's see....Stockton....

I met my wife there...
I pulled a dead guy out of the delta...
I also remember the girl shot on the front steps of the church...she was my room mates fiance...
I remember watching drive by shooting about 100 yrds from where I was standing....
I remember the shooting at the mall as I stepped out of the car across the street and watched kids scatter...

those are some of the more exciting things...

I loved Miguel's Mexican Resturant on Pacific...

Yen Du is okay but Sing Tao on Hammer lane is the best...

I do miss the Bass Fishing 3 times plus a week...

I miss the drive down from the foothills...

I miss seeing Mt. Diablo driving on I-5...

I miss all the local vacation spots within a couple of hours drive...

I miss many of my friends and family...

So many, many memories in Stockton...
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Old 02-13-2009, 05:42 PM
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Re: Stockton, CA Miserable City?

January 2008 the wife and I were visiting with her niece in Stockton. When we came back to her house from shopping, there were two police cars at her house. In the back yard cops were holding some hood on the ground. They said he had a gun when he went in the back but they could not find it. They hauled him off to jail. I went up stairs to take a nap. I was awakened by screams, "he's back" In less than two hrs he was out of jail and back for his gun. He ran out of the back yard with the gun in his hand. We called the police. They never showed up. So much for law and order in Stockton.
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