Originally Posted by Praxeas
IF she is a racist she is an equal opportunity racist who hates all races but whites..Does that make sense?
Actually, Prax, you're not making a lot of sense here.
Are you serious? There are
a lot of people who dislike other races apart from whites or whatever race/races they prefer.
3 examples from my personal experience/interactions:
I personally heard a remark made by a hispanic man, who clearly did not like blacks, although he has no problem with with whites people.
I also had a former co-worker who's black, and is married to an Asian woman but he's stated plainly he does not like white people.
I also know of a young white man who said he's ok with all other races, but dislikes the Indian people who live in his town.
Some people are prejudiced toward
some races, but not all. Did you not know that?
I dont know where you live, but I've spent most of my life in New York City, probably the most racially diverse city in America, so I've seen the good, the bad, and the ugly when it comes to this stuff.
Originally Posted by Praxeas
I read some stuff. She sounds like a conservatie. And by conservative I mean fiscally, socially...everything...freedom of speech.
There are people that will label you a racist if you think we need better border security.
She sounds like a "Nationalist" more than a "racist"
I dont know why you feel the need to defend Malkin, and try to convince me that she's not really a racist.
Call her whatever you want.
I know what I call people like her.
I'm also smart enough that many conservatives, whether they be writers, or talk show hosts, know that being outwardly, blatantly racist does not play well in today's society. But when you listen to enough of their "conservative", "nationalistic" talk long enough, it's not hard to figure out where they're coming from, or what audience they're trying to appeal to with some of the things they're saying.
There are a lot of conservatives I've been listeing to and reading for years now (like Hannity, Ingram, Levin, Sullivan, Novak etc) who I
dontconsider racist at all, and they
dontsay the kind of the racially inflammatory things Malkin's been known to say. I know what race-baiting is. I've heard and read enough of her stuff long enough to know what I'm talking about.
If you want to call her a "nationalist", fine. Suit yourself, Prax.
But I've found that most of the time, if it smells like a rat, its a rat.