Originally Posted by jaxfam6
You know I have sympathy for the innocent. In these cases it can, in my opinion, only be children. The adults know what is going on. They know who the trouble makers are and they don't seem to care about the fact that they are being used by them. They are using the families and places where families and children are as cover for their hate filled attacks. Then when these places are bombed in return they then make a scene and the rest of their religious world then stands up against the ones who are striking back. I get so tired of hearing the world and liberal left run their mouths against Israel because they strike back. If it were Israel losing 30 and 40 civilian lives there would be NO complaints from the rest of the world.
Lord Jesus come quickly. I am so tired of this crazy world and everything being backwards and upside down.
What the world does not want to admit is that Israel has a right to protect their innocents. It's unrealistic to tell a country like Israel to only do a proportionate attack....in other words if they lob one rocket you lob one back....hello?!? Wars are not won by being equal to your enemy. They are won by being better somehow and either wiping them out or pushing them so hard they surrender unconditionally. Israel does not want to just get an eye for an eye....they want to stop all the attacks. That is why they built the wall to stop the suicide bombers. If it was revenge they'd just leave the wall down and bomb the mess out of Palestine.
BTW why don't those miserable UN observers go stand in Israel where the rockets are falling?