Originally Posted by Daniel Alicea
Are you saying the edict was essentially "hot air"?
Does this make way for other break away ministerial networks acting a satellites?
Originally Posted by TJJJ
Hot air, Like a balloon!
This is not the first time that this has happened! What we will probably find is that there were some men on the GB that had a difference between those on the WPF. Personal differences. Pride is a terrible thing.
Originally Posted by Sam
I would imagine the double dipping rule is a lot like many of their other rules --generally ignored by most and only used on rare occasions when someone wants to "get" someone so they bring charges.
DA, I'm not sure I would call it "hot air," however as TJJJ stated I think it was perceived as more of a personal affront on many levels.
Unfortunately Bro. Sam I believe you to be correct. In some cases it has already began to play out this way, as it has many times before with other "rules" or "edicts." IMHO they enforce them to settle personal agendas far too many times.