Originally Posted by Sherri
I don't like the term Emerging Church at all. It has only led to a lot of confusion in the Body of Christ. What Pentecostals call "Emerging Church" is not the same as what the bigger church world calls "Emerging Church". I don't want to have anything to do with it. It's too loosey-goosey, artsy-fartsy for me.
Originally Posted by ChicagoPastor
I think that as far as Apostolics go the "emerging church" is just a fancier way of saying "they've gone or are going charismatic"
I agree Sherri.
"emerging church" outside of Pentecost means a lot more than it does inside Pentecost.
Originally Posted by Aquila
Can anyone present bullet points illustrating exactly what's being referred to as the "Emerging Church"? What makes them different?
Originally Posted by Fiyahstarter
I think it's about as varied as the definition of "Apostolic" . . . or the definition of "Holy" . . . or the definition of "Saved". You get the picture.
Ask a dozen different theologians and you will get a dozen different answers.
It is somewhat akin to the dilemma facing the Supreme Court in the sixties when presented with a series of cases addressing newly passed obscenity laws which were consolidated, and forced them to actually define terms like obscenity. In what was one of the most noted quotes of the era Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart stated when trying to explain "hard-core" pornography, or what is obscene, by saying, "I shall not today attempt further to define the kinds of material I understand to be embraced . . . but I know it when I see it . . . " this was reduced in pop culture to him having said, "I don't know how to define pornography but I know it when I see it".
The use of this illustration is solely for the purpose of pointing out there is not and perhaps at this point cannot be a concise "point by point" definition of "emerging church" because there are just too many variations and sub-variations all claiming the term. Generally speaking it is the philosophy of abandoning normative brick and mortar, Sunday school, and other things most think of as how to "hold church", in order to reach the post-modern "truth is relative crowd." Once again a gross oversimplification.
HOWEVER, I would also concur with the above posters that it carries a totally different connotation when used among Apostolic denominations especially within the UPCI. I have myself requested a more precise definition for several who oppose it only to be given something akin to the "I can't define it but I know it when I see it" type statement.
As best as I can gather used in that environ it is close to a mere repackaging of what most here would call "charismatic standards" and PCI or "one stepper" theology.