Originally Posted by Sam
Herb Hubert left his wife
Holiness woman left her husband
and they ran off together.
They are now co-pastoring an ultra Conservative church
where they will continue until they either drive everyone off
or make them as warped as they are.
Now my dear Brother Sam, this is how these vicious pentecostal rumors get started.
I do not know the where abouts of Brother Herb Hubert.
He is certainly not with me.
There has never been a man for me except my late husband Horace.
There is ONE that Ii have mty eye on here on this Apostolic Holiness Chat room.
If he ever comes available ( I do believe he is currently married to his first wife) I'll be a courting him.
You all know I don't cotton to none of that Jezebell Mascara and getting all dolled up for a man stuff, but my oh my, I got a gingham dress that would get him interested in this old holiness woman.
I have prattled on to much here, lord forgive me, but there is just something about a man in a hat that gets me a going.
If anybody here's from BROTHER HerbHubert give him my regards. he does seem like a good holiness brother.