Originally Posted by Esther
But Obama did sling some negatives.
It was because he was black that MANY voted for him. That is all I heard folks rejoicing over was his color; not his agenda! His was elected due to his color, not his agenda. It has all been more about his race than his agenda. Many don't even know what his agenda is.
I came out of lurking mode to say that perhaps it
is so that MANY Black voters were for Obama because of race, but we have to consider the whole picture.
We who are White have no idea of the feeling of hearing that "you can be anything...you can accomplish anything in America," but to not feel it is so because of your race.
Tuesday night I heard once again the speech given by the late Barbara Jordon, Congresswoman from TX., where she said that when she was younger and read the words "We the people," she never thought it included her. So yes,
many thought it could not be possible in their lifetime.
And though I was not an Obama supporter, had I been Black I would have probably voted for him strictly for that reason.
However, it should be noted that in a poll taken in my home state, something like 61% of the
White voters voted for Obama.
It wasn't just a 'Black thing'...now back to lurking.